It's a cold one today!
-9 degrees when I got up this morning. My phone says it's still -3 in my town but the car says 0.
Having a heatwave! A tropical Heatwave!
Who doesn't love Grumpy Old Men?
Except for my husband, that is...
A couple days ago I sent a sack lunch to school for Leon. It was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, oatmeal cookie, and a smallish tin of sour cream and onion Pringles. He came home that night and said that he still had half of the chips left. Not a big deal. *where are they?* The next day they were serving a chicken sandwich and I told him he'll eat school lunch today. He said he doesn't like chicken sandwiches. I told him to take the bun off and pretend it's one big chicken nugget. You'll love it!
Ryan got a call late Thursday... The school wanted to know why we only sent chips for Leon's lunch. Oh, we didn't...
So Leon had taken matters into his own hands for a lunch that he WILL eat. He's done that before, but the reverse where the school lunch looked better than the sack lunch. Mainly because they were serving ice cream along with it.
The last Christmas present has been completed from 2018! Maddy and Matthew can expect their new dining room chair covers sometime next week. And I have enough fabric to make a tablecloth if we can get the dimensions of their table accurate. Maddy's going to tape together a bunch of paper and lay it out on the table and trace the thing. Then I'll add 12 inches all around and then go for it.
I made a cool $10 or $20 this week with my sewing ability. I don't know yet how much and my friend may very well forget, so it might be a cool fat zero. But the sweetheart dance is tonight and her daughter needed a dress taken in under the armpits. She will be beautiful. Oh, she already is. I'll try to catch a picture off Facebook once Julie posts them.
Ryan was a little jealous that I have a cool side gig. He said that it wouldn't hurt to do a mending project every week, as an extra $20, would come in pretty handy each week. Maybe for him, but it stresses me out knowing that I am modifying somebody else's clothes and it could very well go south quickly if I screw up. I don't think $20 is enough to cover my anxiety. If it's for somebody that I truly loved like family, I will do my very best to make them happy with my sewing and adjustments, but it makes me nervous for somebody who I don't know really well. I want to make sure I'll be forgiven.
I played the game Operation with Leon this morning. I won! But we followed the rules and we had a good time. He took a bite of bagel between each turn.
Robb made me breakfast this morning! I'm not sure if anybody else gets a hot dog omelette in the mornings, but I'm sure you're jealous. It was delicious!
Have a wonderful weekend!
A hot dog omelette sounds pretty good to me right now. I'd like a large coffee to go with it. I love the game operation. Been years since I played it!
The side gig sounds good as long as you know who you are dealing with. I have a couple of really good friends who are extremely critical of all work done for them and love perfection. I love them dearly but would never do any work for either of them.
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