Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Back from the Doldrums

Leon and I made these games last night.  

His took about 5 minutes for him to win.  

Mine took about 20 minutes and then we had to put a bunch of stuff away.  There was more on the back.

I think his was better.

 It's going to be a bad day...  It started with such promise!  Getting paged in bed just before 6am and by 6:40, I had the issue resolved and was ready to take on the day.  Went and got ready for the day.

Came down and made myself a nice breakfast and got caught up with a "WORDs with Friends" game.  

One of Meri's friend's mom is an avid player of that game and she plays more with me than my own kids do, who got me onto it in the first place...  I've only met this woman a handful of times, but I know that she works nights and is "nudging" me for my turn to play, during the night.  I usually do my turn first thing in the morning.  It's like Scrabble.

So anyway, Leon comes downstairs in his undies, scratching his back, wondering why I didn't wake him up yet.  I asked him to tell me the time from the stove. 7:29.  I asked him what time the bus comes.  He doesn't know so I told him 7:30.  He just looks at me and I tell him it's a snow day.

YIPPEE!!!  This isn't what turned my day to yuck either.

He went upstairs and woke up Ryan and asked what he'd like for breakfast, giving him some options.  They came up with a Der Burger, from the game Fortnite.  

okey doke.  Tell me how to make it.  So I made the burger patty and Leon got out all the ingredients.  And this is where things turned to yuck.  He was pulling out the pickles and knocked a container with a tin foil covering out onto the floor.

I swear... if our kitchen floor ever gets mopped (in sections) it's only because someone spills potato soup (or some other yucky equivalent) onto it.  That's just the way of our house I guess...  And it's bad when some of the spills hit our carpet.  

The joys of being a house with boys in it.

In this case, it was the hardwood floor of the kitchen.  
So I sent Leon off to grab paper towels, while I used a spatula to scoop up chunks of Great Grandma Maggie's potato soup...  I'm sure she'll be wondering where it went.  And for the record, cleaning up potato soup might as gross as cleaning up dog yak.  eewwwwe...  

The burger was finally done and Leon agonized over which order to put the ingredients.  PLUS we didn't have an olive for the toothpick, so he was grumpy, I was grumpy for other reasons.  AND now it's almost 8am and I have none of my chores done yet.  PLUS I had to tell Leon four times to get his clothes on.  

He took the burger upstairs to his dad and I prayed he wouldn't trip and dump it onto the carpet.  LOTS of ketchup in that thing.

FYI: His dad loved it, then fell back asleep.  sigh.. he got home pretty late last night.

So Leon is still grounded from electronics and has saved up all his energy by sleeping all night so he's wired.   I gave him a coloring page that Grandma Connie sent for him last weekend and he worked on it hard this morning.  

It's mostly done but I think his hand got a cramp.  I hope to take it back to Grandma Connie this weekend when I see her.  

He sat on the arm rest of my big butt chair where I'm working and chronicled the happenings of 3 squirrels in the back yard jumping from tree to tree.  

And my hip is out with no chiropractor in sight.  I will exercise later and see if I can resolve that issue...

Anyway, I need a day with nothing planned and no one to be responsible for.

Don't see that happening for a while.

AND today would have been the day I fly back from Florida, if we'd been on the cruise.

I feel like I've missed out on some relaxation. 

Most recently, he's borrowed my phone to trace it.  He's got his own cell phone now.  It's paper so it doesn't work, but he's got his own.

Ok, THAT was pretty cute.  

Things might be looking up.

1 comment:

Southern Gal said...

I'm sorry you had a yucky day. I'm also sorry you didn't get that relaxing cruise right now. But God's timing is perfect. Hugs.


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