Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Snow Big Deal

The blizzard that called off school all day yesterday, started off with sleety rain, then started promptly at 2:34pm with heavy snow.  It ended around 2am so we have several inches out there...

Robb had to leave early and was able to get his car out of the driveway.  Once out of town, things got clearer for him. Good!

I took the push shovel out and while the snow was fairly light and fluffy, it got deep out by the sidewalks with packed down stuff underneath.  Yikes!  That must have been from the sleet yesterday morning.

I haven't started the snow blower yet this year and decided that this snowfall probably warranted it getting fired up.  It hasn't gotten any new gas in it yet this year either, so I texted Robb to find out where the gas can is.
It was in the back seat of the car he drove this morning.

Before I went out, I left a note for Leon.  

He didn't see it.

I came inside after 30 minutes of huffing and puffing to find him calling for me from upstairs. 

Sigh.  Didn't you read my note?!
He did then and said Oh. and then Yippee!!

So far, school is still at a 2 hour delay.  EVERYONE (except one school who is usually the weeny) has cancelled.

He sits behind me on the floor playing with some small toys and is telling me a story.  It's so quiet, I can't hear the gist of it. I just heard the word "snakes"...  

He got a hold of my phone yesterday and made this video.

Have a great Wednesday!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Love the video. He is all boy!

Southern Gal said...

Snow blowing and shoveling are all foreign to me. I know it has to be hard to shovel it though. It was in the 20's for two nights and now it's 65 outside now with wind like tornadoes! Leon!


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