Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Pieces Are Coming Together

Here is the puzzle that I started just before Christmas and my nieces and nephews completed it while they were here.  They pulled it all apart and now it's my turn.  

It's been moved onto my sewing cutting board so we could have the dining room table for Meri's birthday dinner, but yesterday I wanted my cutting board back, so now it's back at the table.

All the meticulous sorting of pieces corrupted...  sigh.

Oh well.  I did a quick sort for a while last night and then again this morning after Leon got onto the school bus, which arrived 4.5 minutes earlier than they usually do.  EGADS!  RUN!!!!

Anyway, the puzzle is coming together.

 It's as good as done.

As for my labor of love, I've got a cloth hemmed for the under pillow and the scarf thingy done for the top of the coffin.  

I've still go the curtain to complete and ribbon to make from all the satin remnants to hot glue into place and cover up all my stapling mistakes in the lid.

Meri and I will go again on Saturday and finish it all up.  

I plan to take some old photos for Mom to look at while we're there too.  Should be a memorable time. :)

Hard to believe that in exactly one week, I would have been flying to Florida for the cruise.
That can wait.


SAM said...

I have kept you an your family in my thoughts. What a tribute of love to your mom. Peace.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I think of your family often too and think about how gracious your words are when talking about such a difficult time.
My sister and I were supposed to fly to Fort Worth for our cousin's wedding when my dad was in the final stages of his life. At the last minutes we cancelled because we both decided we had rather spend time with him than go to the wedding. I have never been so happy with a decision to cancel our plans, because we had a glorious weekend with Dad, laughing, remembering past times, and listening to him play bach, beethoven and chopin on his harmonica (yeah, weird right) He passed away two days later and I have never regretted our decision nor losing every penny of the tickets and hotel reservations. That final weekend was priceless and one I will cherish forever.


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