Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Warming up to the idea of spring


You just said that in John Candy's voice, didn't you? :)

The temp is currently -3 with a windchill of -26.  Don't go outside!!!
Tomorrow the high will be -14...

School has cancelled for today and tomorrow and I'll be surprised if they don't cancel Thursday too, as we're not supposed to pull out of the deep freeze until at least Friday.

I don't plan to go anywhere, but then again, my plans change at the drop my kid's hats.

After supper, I did some sewing.  Then Ryan and Leon pulled me into watching Spirited Away.  I am NOT an anime fan and they're trying to convert me.  We got about half way done before it was Leon's bedtime.  

In the standard anime, there are only so many "huh"s I can take...

To me, it's the equivalent of saying "ummm" during public speaking.
Spirited Away is pretty good so far and has kept the "huh"s to a minimum, but there are some.

As for sewing, I got 63.5% done with a new top for me.  Do you like the two tone-ness of it?  I hope Pepsi pays me for wearing this in L.A. next week.  

GASP!!!  It's next week already!!!  I've got some serious sewing to do before then.  Pants would be good!  I started on a new purse, but might just go buy one.  Or give mine a quick wash and makeover...  We'll see what I have time for in the next few days.
Staying inside and making it happen.

Stay warm people!!!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yikes that's cold! Sounds like when we lived in Ohio! You are welcome to keep it, lol :-) Hope you are staying toasty warm and having a good week!



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