Thursday, June 27, 2019

Settling Down

Meri got the house that she really REALLY wanted!  She's SOOOOO excited and already has planned to pull up carpet and fit in her piano and she wants both of the remaining golden retrievers.

SETTLE DOWN GIRL!...  Her golden, Ellie, has been sick the last few days and she doesn't want the stress of TWO big dogs when she's trying to get settled in a new place.


Here's a pic of her house.  Being that it's on the main thoroughfare through town, Leon already has plans for lemonade stands on her yard.  Our dead end street doesn't get much traffic...  and the majority of customers that he gets live in our house...

I took Leon up to the car wash and library this morning and of course, he and I had to drive around the block to see it up close...  

Other things I've been doing.  

I've got an outfit done to wear this weekend for one of the days of our church annual convention.  It's a big deal and there will be thousands of women there.  My first one!  I'll show more next week.

I made the top, tank top (which I hate and will most likely not wear with this) and a skirt out of the L.A. fabric.

The Instant Pot has been busy.  I've made two failed attempts at making yogurt out of both coconut milk and almond milk.  So Meri will have to take some lactaid and just eat what I make her...

I made some actual yogurt with just milk and it's awesome!!!!  Not as tart as the plain that you buy in the store.

And I've canned a bunch of rhubarb sauce.   Ok, 8 jars.

 I've been adding it to my yogurt for a sweet treat!  SO GOOD!  
No additional sweetners needed.  The rhubarb has enough sugar for everything...

I've got a lot of whey saved from the yogurt making and am trying to sneak it into everything.  May make a loaf of bread later and use it in that.

Anyway, I've been a Susie Homebody in my spare time, with what time there is.

Last night, we celebrated Ryan and Jen's birthdays.  They're only two days apart, with her being older.  We grilled burgers.  I made pasta salad, potato salad, grapes, lettuce salad, tomatoes and cake.  There are lots of leftovers today.  YUM!!!  You can guess what I had for lunch today!!!

Anyway, I'll be out tomorrow so have a wonderful weekend!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Congratulations to Meri on the house. Now Leon can get on with his business plan!
Have a great day sneaking whey into everything!

Practical Parsimony said...

I LOVE her house. Yogurt gets strong if left too long to "cook." I like it most any way. I prefer to sweeten yogurt myself with fruits like you do.

Jill said...

Can you believe I've never had rhubarb? Hmmm may have to give it a try I'm seeing it on a lot of blogs lately. :-) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Meri's new home!! Would love to see it as she gets moved in. What year is it? It's just beautiful.... Have a great week!


SAM said...

What an achievement for someone so young. She'll have the energy to make it her own.


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