Thursday, June 13, 2019

Sweet Child O'Mine

I went with my MIL to Meri's final performance of Children of Eden last Sunday afternoon.  
During the first act, the power to most of the town went out.  Cain and Abel didn't miss a beat and neither did the musicians in the pit!  A bit of light came in from the back door and an emergency light on the wall, but that was it.  The boys completed their scene and the director came out on the stage.  Apparently all of the town lost power.  Still not sure what caused it.

But after twenty minutes of me texting Robb to see if there was power at our house, the director came back out, the show MUST go on!!!  So the cast pulled out their flashlights and pointed them at the performers.  The power came back on for real at the REAL intermission.

I'm so glad the power came back on because Meri was the star of the 2nd act!

BTW: The end of the first act has Eve about to die and then Adam, who has passed, comes to take her hand, leaving their family singing them to heaven.

Just typing this makes me tear up.  Both times that I saw this, I cried.  This time more than before.    And this time Meri broke down crying a lot on stage.  Luckily her friends whisked her off to calm her down and get her into costume for the 2nd act.  I tried to find her at intermission but she was away in another building changing.  I don't know which of us needed a hug more.

And while this picture looked SO good while it was still small on my phone, when you enlarge it, it looks like she's saying a bad word...  DARN.  The lighting was perfect.

Then later on with Noah's son, Japheth.  Meri's love interest in the play.

Here are a couple of her songs.

With any luck, I'll get back to my normal blogging schedule.  With Leon out of school now, I'm at the pool a lot or library.  I'm working from the library right now while he is involved with a craft group.
He's going to be a regular up here this summer...

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