Wednesday, July 10, 2019

It's my birthday and I can...

It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to..

I haven't yet, but just saying I could if I wanted to.
and no one can stop me.

I'm another birthday past 50.  yay me.

So far Robb made me breakfast, I've texted with one daughter, DUOed with another and actually spoken face to face with my son and he wished me Happy Birthday too.  Maddy reminded Leon that it was my birthday but he hasn't cared yet.  He probably won't until there is cake involved.

I sat at swimming lessons this morning and got caught up on my work quick so I could enjoy Leon's mad new skills.

I'm set to give blood today, then drop off a car to get a recall re-fixed. 
And then Meri is going to pick me up and take me to lunch!

Tonight, Robb will take me out to eat before Bible study.  
He's planning a meal tomorrow night with the family for me.

Getting older isn't all that bad.  It's the aches and the pains that get you.
So far, nothing Aleve can't fix! :)


Practical Parsimony said...

Happy birthday.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Happy Birthday! Hope the day is great and hope you are well tended by the family, (Even if a cake bribe is necessary)

Jane said...

I'm 10+ years older than you and my best 2 bits of advice are 1) to keep moving! It really is true that if you don't move it you'll lose it. And 2) lots of alcohol! :)


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