Friday, July 19, 2019

Sew Translatable

I was digging in all my sewing things for the FrayCheck glue.  I've got a few things that need it before they go to the fair.  

So while I was digging and putting items where they're SUPPOSED to go, I found a dressy maxi skirt that never got finished!  In my sewing circles, this item would be called a UFO.  Unfinished Object.  

It needs some hand work done on it!  WOOHOO!  This might the replace the purple skirt in my State Fair lineup.  It's more impressive...  BUT maybe I'll find a category where I can send both...

Not sure.  I still want to make a new tunic top and a jacket for Leon and then I'll have 10 things. 

My State Fair tickets haven't shown up yet though either...

Robb is marching in a parade tomorrow!  It's the same one that Sluggy came with me to a few years ago.  And she was my first imaginary bloggy friend that I'd ever met!  

Wow was Leon little!!!

Speaking of Sluggy, go visit her blog!  She is amazing...  I've *virtually* met MOST of my readers from her blog.  She's the lady with the most coupons and can leave a grocery store with a cart load of free food and they gave her $5...  An exaggeration  I'm sure... But not by much.

I pulled Robb's bagpipe uniform out of the closet and I think he just needs to decide which shirt to wear with it.  He is going to be wearing his kilt and wool socks on a day that is over 100 degrees...  I'm going to find a shady spot and do hand sewing on whatever needs it.  A hem and a few other things, while I babysit a kid's wagon loaded with a cooler, which is loaded with lots of cold bottles of water for the band when they get to the end of the parade.  I'll be waiting...

There is a sewing meeting that I'll be spending my lunch at on Monday and will show as many things as I've got done.  And some that I won't have done.  

Who am I kidding!  This will be a PRODUCTIVE weekend and I'll have it ALL done!!!  

again... who am I kidding?

Oh!  My niece's baby was born yesterday!!!  He was supposed to be born on my birthday but decided he didn't want to be a namesake for me...

I'll forgive him. He's a cutie!

I think Dean in some countries translates to McVal.


Michelle said...

Seriously, I don't know how you get it all done. Whew....

Practical Parsimony said...

I sort of looked ahead as I read and thought "that looks like Sluggy."

Southern Gal said...

Ha! I promise I didn't see your imaginary blog friend thing here before I left my comment on your next post! That is hilarious that it was on my mind then I read it here.


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