Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Counting Daze

Since starting on the My Fitness Pal app, I've lost 5.1 pounds as of this morning!  A few more pounds to go and I'll be at a weight and measurement that I found on an old scrap of paper in the bathroom cabinet, when I was feeling overweight and joined a fitness group THEN!  Oh to be that weight again!  Give me a few weeks.  And 10 more pounds to go and I'll get to the weight I was for Maddy and Matthew's wedding!  

I won't tell you how many more til MY wedding weight...  Luckily that is not my goal!

So I was able to work out on Saturday by weeding for over an hour and mowing for 2 hours.  

I mowed our yard, front and back, then drove the mower over to Meri's and mowed hers too.  She'd had a rough week, between working and staying overnight with a friend at the hospital for a few nights in a row.  I thought I'd surprise her.  

Found out later that I did surprise her.  She was upstairs sleeping and kept hearing a mower come near her window.  "wha...?...  who's mowing?...!..."  "Oh it's Mom..." back to sleep.  rinse, repeat.

From the farmers tan on my arms and legs, you'd think I'd already been to the Bahamas!  Nope that's not for a few more weeks.  

I was browsing through my Burda mags for a little bit before bed the other night.  Found this top.  Cute, huh?!  I could probably make that.  But not yet.

 I have been sewing a lot lately.  I got a pair of black short leggings made, for the cruise, but not sure what I'll wear with them yet.  The sides have nice deep stretchy pockets for a cell phone or cash or passport.  Eh whatever.  There's room.  I showed them to Meri and she thought that the pockets were TOO deep, but I can always make them shorter...  Oh yeah and the hem should go up a foot according to her.  Nope!  I'm 53 (am I?) and I can wear shorts how I want.

I made this top, below, using my old standby favorite pattern for a guide.  So the sleeves are improvised and the neckline slides back frequently.  I figured long sleeves in the Bahamas will make me die, so this could be my "flying to Florida" shirt.  I'm wearing it today to get over the "newness" feel of it and see if I need to adjust anything.  Found lots of little threads to clip off so far...

I'm working on lots of tops so I have some variety to take with me.  Only 3 weeks left!!!!  I'll probably end up taking some old store bought t-shirts that have out of place sayings on them...  EVERYONE will know I'm a tourist... Well, they'll be too, so oh well.  
So the warmer tops that I'm wanting to sew will need to take a back seat until after the trip.

Here is Leon before school yesterday.  He has share day on Wednesday and might share some of his artwork.  Not sure... He's cagey.  I have a feeling he might sneak something to share that I don't approve of.  Ummm... that zombie scavenger nerf gun is NOT going...

This morning as I dropped him off the bus, he would NOT let me walk over with him.  "JUST GO HOME!"  sigh...  He's growing up too fast.  When I dropped him off yesterday, I got a banana bread and two school tumblers!  and that was from a neighbor who said she had it for me in her car.  YUM!  The odds are slim that I'd score that every day!

 Maybe he was embarrassed by my shirt...  hmmm...  Now I'm paranoid.

Back to work.  Enjoy your Tuesday!  Only 4 more days until it's a weekend again!!!

1 comment:

Anne in the kitchen said...

Fantastic for you and congratulations on the loss.


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