Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Glorious weather and shoe drops

 Yesterday morning, we awoke to snow!!!  

This is still October... right??
But it happened before when Ryan was a tot about 27 years ago.  We had to put his winter coat over his costume to trick or treat.  
So nothing new for Iowa... If you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes.

Nothing sticking on the pavement but the grass and my roses got a beautiful layering.

As well as the trees.

and lilacs.

It was glorious winter fall wonderland!!!  A bit chill, but Christmas music was definitely in my mind while we prepped for the day.

Then as Leon and I climbed in the car to head to the bus, we saw this...

That's our apple tree and our fence being munched on...

So guess what I spent my free time on yesterday!

While I WAS productive with my spare time, I really felt like I hadn't done much at all at the end of the day.

BUT the branch has been cut down to size and mostly removed and I got Ryan and Jen to pull the rest of the trunk that my little chainsaw couldn't handle off the poor fence and back into our yard.  The fence has been repaired too.

If only 2 ounces of snow can do this, just what other surprises does this winter have in store?...


Michelle said...

I will admit that I love a bit of snow. Here in Kentucky we head into a big freeze tomorrow night. Just in time for Halloween!!

Anne in the kitchen said...

For those of us in the Deep South snow is exciting! Plus if we get any accumulation at all the entire city shuts down and it is time for movies, chili and hot chocolate!

Practical Parsimony said...

Munched on? By what? I hate you lost an apple tree. it is going to be a low of 71 on Wednesday night, tonight, so no snow here.


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