Monday, January 27, 2020

I'm THAT Grandmother

Wow!  Clear since last Monday?  okey...
Leon has been a snow hound lately.  Mostly for the huge snow mountain at the school in town.  The other kids on the mountain like to play "king of " said mountain and I've become the mean old lady...

Mainly because of the third day on that blasted fake hilltop.  But more on that later.

The first day he got mad.  Because a supposedly good friend of his was playing king of the mountain and pushed him off of it.  He was so mad that he came to the car crying and snotty.  I tried to make sure I took him straight home when the bus arrived for a day or so after that.

Leon brought the round sled that Maddy had used at Bible camp.  There's a verse from Revelations on the bottom and all her camp friends signed it.  It wasn't sliding too well on our own "dog poop hill", mainly because of the paint.  I even sprayed some Pam spray on it to see if it would "slicken" it up.  Nope.  I kept having to push him every few inches to the bottom of the hill.

So we took it to the mountain so gravity would be the driving force.  SCORE!  He had a blast! 

The next time I took him, he took the Revelations sled again.  He came back to the car ten minutes later with a steady stream of blood coming from his nose and a broken sled.  Even though he wanted to go back to the hill and play more, some older boys were playing that dreaded King of the mountain again and gave him a push, hitting him in the nose and someone landed on his sled.  So...  I was mad but had to get Leon home and cleaned up and he was fighting me.  I won.

I wouldn't let him play on the hill for two days after that.  But the one day he asked if he could PLEASE play on the hill after school and I relented but not before calling the school during the day and narc'ing on the boys playing that game.  The school secretary was surprised to find they were still playing that game out there even though they'd been told not to.  Ummm they're young boys..  AND it's after the busses come so it's not school hours.  

So I let Leon go play on it again and I lectured the boys on the top of it that they're not supposed to play that game and that I WILL call the school principal again if I need to.  Wow were they scared of me!  "OOh - it's the grandkid of that mean lady!" ha!

Leon played for a while without getting into any problems and when I called for him to come back to the car, the older boys said, "Hey he's leaving, we can play it now!"  

I was RIGHT across the street with my window down. I called back, "Do you really think so?! It's too dangerous a game with young kids around and you guys were told by the school not to play it. I'd think twice..."

Leon got in the car and he supported my little speech, tirade, whatever it was.  "You're just protecting me!"  And yep!  I'm that grandmom...

I brought him back to play on it on Saturday and he found that someone had started a cave.  So he dug in with my ice scraper and made it bigger.

Robb had been out of town all week so he missed out on our impromptu homemade pizza night that we used to do every Friday night and I re-instituted this week because Leon asked for it.  Meri happened to text me and I invited her over.  She asked if Shub could come too since he loved pizza.  I should have made more than two...  Ryan and Jen ate with us too.

On Saturday Robb was finally home! YAY!   I helped Leon build a fort in our yard using a couple square ice cream buckets to make bricks.  

It turned out pretty good so I invited Meri over for a snowball fight but she already had other plans.  
So she and Shub came over Sunday afternoon instead and had a great time with the boy outside.  

The fort was demolished, rebuilt and then demolished again.

And that has caught me up.  I did some sewing this past week too and now I'm just one sewing project away from being all done with 2019 Christmas presents.  Waiting on Jen before I can finish that one.

Got to run.  Stay warm!


Meg B. said...

Awww, kids can be so mean. I disliked most of my kids' classmates, frankly. (And there were plenty of times when I wasn't so fond of my own kids.)

Practical Parsimony said...

What makes the school people think boys are going to mind after the busses have gone??? I would be the mean grandmother, too. Does he eat and sleep well after all the snow play? I would think so. Kids die in snow caves! That worries me. My son would have loved that much snow. We never get snow like that.


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