Monday, March 16, 2020

Trying to get with the program

Hello!!  It's the start of a whole new world today!!!  Even though it's only the first day of Spring break and all my family is in the house because of that (me in my office for a little quiet...) it feels like the fifth week of lockdown.  St. Patrick's Day Bagpipe pub crawl is next to cancelled.  It's supposed to snow into Wednesday so a zoo outing is probably cancelled too.  
I've got the NEXT 3 days off and have no idea how to fill them yet.

BUT today I have to work.

I have two refrigerators and a deep freeze full of food and have no idea what to make for dinner tonight.  I hope I'm not expected to dream up lunch for everyone!  

Fend for yourselves folks!!!

Besides all the COVID stuff in the world this weekend, Robb, Leon and myself were able to escape the updates a little and drive three hours, meeting Maddy at the half way mark for a great long dinner at a HuHot.  I saw the waitress bleach down our table before we sat down.  

Meri and Shub drove separately so they could stop as often as they needed to and play music they wanted.  

and of course I was so into our visit that I didn't take a single pic!!!  Well, except of the back end of Meri's car on the way home...

Maddy turned the dinner into a surprise birthday for Robb!  His birthday is this next weekend.  :)  It was great seeing her.  Matthew had had to work and wasn't able to make it.

I had been doing some sorting, as you know, on the dusty bookshelves of our bedroom and found a lot of things that belonged to her and presented them to her.
1) Vintage hardback of Little Women
2) Christian Romance novel with her name all over it.
3) a couple gift cards to stores from her graduation cards HOW many years ago?
4) several bobby pins (ok 6)
5) a black page notebook with her gel pen doodles all over it from when she was young.
6) a program from a play she was in in college that had biographies of her and Matthew in it.  We met him for the first time at that play's production.  He was dressed in a panther bodysuit.
7) and a few other things that I can't think of right now.  But not too much else.

Found other things for a bag for Meri with similar items and some lyrics of a song she wrote.
But those are still sitting in the car.
Like I ever see HER?!... ;)

Other than Leon peeing in a couple ditches along the way, it was an uneventful drive.  We might do it again in June when both Maddy and Matthew will be in that town again for a wedding.  Maybe make a weekend of it with an airbnb!  Hopefully!

As with everything else, it depends...

Now back to a job that doesn't rest when everyone else in the whole wide world DOES!
Enjoy your social distancing.


Practical Parsimony said...

So, I suppose your job will not close down since you "social distance" all the time?

Michelle said...

Here at school today with no students. Teachers all in their rooms and given orders not to socialize, seriously. Starting tomorrow we are working from home until April 13th.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I feel like a panther in a cage right now just knowing I have no business going places.


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