Monday, March 23, 2020

Is it Saturday yet?

Ah Spring break!  The days when the kiddies are home and you can do fun stuff!
Well, in an alternate universe maybe...

The weather was great on Tuesday, so instead of doing the bagpipe pub crawl (cancelled) Leon and I walked to the park and he read his Essential Pokemon Handbook.  I sat below and heard him call out that he'd seen a Meekui or Zambalam Pokemon or some such thing.  The names of them are silly... ;)
He said a Reiku was right behind me, but there was nothing there. Apparently I can't see them.

He ran around and chased an imaginary Pokemon, tripped and fell on the railroad ties bordering the play area.  He's got a nasty bruise on one leg now and a slightly larger tear in the sweatpants I made him a while back. We sat for a while until he felt better then walked home.

The next day, we'd planned on going to the zoo (cancelled due the COVID19 and rain).  It was cold!
So instead of a walk, Leon and I sat on in the car for a while with our umbrellas. (We had had ambition to walk in the rain anyway, but the temp had dropped and as I mentioned, it was cold! so we climbed into the car and he continued to climb all over it, opening the hatch and watching the rain.)

Then we went to the side porch and he read to me the various types of Pokemon from his book and he picked out a legendary Pokemon just for me.  I feel so honored.

All the rest of my three days off were jam packed with cleaning, sewing, errands, etc.  
The etcetera part about killed me.  Robb's closet looks mostly swell now and he'll be able to find his shirts easier.

On Friday, a neighbor friend posted that during this time of social distancing, it would be nice to know that neighbors are still ok and kicking.  So at 6pm, she scheduled a neighborhood musical noise party.  Meri and Shub came over and from our driveway, we played Maddy's old bells (xylophone), the snare drum, Meri's old clarinet and shouted a lot.  Some neighbors played instruments from the end of their driveways and some cruised the loop honking and waving out windows.  

Meri, Shub and Leon did that for a while too after Leon got sick of pounding on our drum.

On Saturday, I did a wee bit of sewing.  Feeling like I needed to sew something productive, rather than just clothes for me...  I saw an email from our sewing group leader with links on how to make face masks, as hospitals are in need of washable types.  So I whipped up a few and showed them to my sewing group online.  By the way, Leon wanted his own, even tho he's NOT sick, he just wants to feel like a doctor...

The post drew lots of comments about calling hospitals and finding out exactly what they wanted, even tho the link showed what this one particular hospital needed and what I'd made.  I guess each hospital has their own needs/wants.  It killed my mood for a while so I worked on cleaning another closet.  Maybe by next weekend, I'll get back into it.  From what I've heard, JoAnns has put together face mask kits and they'll give them to you at their front door to put together for free.  Then deliver back to them and they'll take them to the hospitals that want them.
Cool!  I might do that.

On Saturday afternoon, Meri, Shub and I headed to Menards and picked up supplies for her to paint her main floor of her house and replace the kitchen carpeting with square linoleum tiles.  She's ready and raring to get going on it!  Her daycare closed for 3 weeks on Friday and she is using this time to do the updating.  More power to her!  Good thing too, as of this morning, she found a wee bit of black mold behind a cabinet that had to be moved out!

We've talked to Maddy and Matthew a lot more lately and it's been fun!  However we need to figure out a more comfortable seating arrangement for our DUO calls.  The arm rest of Robb's chair is really uncomfortable...

Maddy has been preparing to teach her kindergartners from afar and has posted a lot of videos of herself reading books as well as some lessons for them onto Youtube.  I won't post them here for reasons.  I've been enjoying the stories too!

Since church is cancelled because of the virus, Robb is recording our pastors sermons and posting them on our church website for the congregation to watch remotely.
We watched the sermon on youtube from home early on Sunday.
It's weird to go to church directly from bed...

Also on Sunday, it was Robb's birthday!  For almost 4 months I'll be married to an old man.
A while back Robb saw this recipe and said, hmmm, make this for my birthday!  So I did.
I should have started earlier in the day, because at 10pm, the recipe was at the point where you were supposed to let it cool to room temperature and I was tired and stuck it right in the fridge...

Below is my version.  The only difference besides just sticking the thing into the fridge was that the peaches were from frozen.  No one had fresh peaches on Saturday!

No matter. It turned out really good!  We still have half left in the fridge.

I broiled steaks for Robb's birthday dinner and also gave one of Robb's gifts to him early.  I got him two George Foreman grills, one family sized.  Not big enough for eight people sized, but Ryan and Jen wanted their steaks done rare, so they did their own on the new grill.  And Robb can take the 2nd one to the office for quick meals there as his old one was kicking off too much Teflon...

It was a nice dinner!  We played some Chameleon afterwards and then talked for a while until Meri, Shub, Ryan and Jen went over to Meri's house for some gaming late into the night.

I met up with her this morning (not TOO early) for Pilates.   I really need to invest in some yoga mats because her floors are hard...  And the planking?  Not gonna happen...  The rest of the work out is killer enough.  

Well, that was my weekend.
I'm back to work today but ready for another weekend any time now.


SAM said...

Teachers are getting very creative with a combination of technology and mail. I hoe Meri has her place all updated as she wants when she is able to reopen.

Michelle said...

Many teachers I work with are using Zoom to stay in touch/teach lessons to their class. Google classroom is the popular option for the older students in my district. I have plans for some painting as well. Already cleaned out some closets..blah! What a job. Glad it's done, though. Stay well.


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