Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter came without crowds!

Easter weekend!!!

Friday night, we made homemade chili dogs and while DQ chili dogs are not fabulous... but very welcome on Good Friday, homemade chili dogs aren't even THAT great.  We used canned chili with no beans and it just didn't have the flavor to it.  dang.

Our guts need a break, so it'll be a while before we perfect the recipe before next year.  But hopefully we can get to the DQ and back to our usual traditions by then.

On Saturday, Ryan, Jen and Leon colored the three dozen eggs I'd cooked up in the IP the previous day.  They were beautiful!

Those three are very creative!  Do you see Leon's dragon egg?  I don't think anyone will get to eat it before he forgets that it's in the fridge.

 Late that afternoon, I bemoaned the fact that the last several "silent" Saturdays, the one between Good Friday and Easter, I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to watch The Passion of the Christ movie.  Been feeling guilty about that!  And Robb said once was enough for him, so it's not a together show...  He suggested that I go upstairs and watch it that evening.  So I did!  

And oh my!  Mel Gibson did a beautiful recreation of what happened.  Gut wrenching of course, but I think every now and then you need a visual reminder of what God did for us, the humans he loved, by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to take away our sins.  Every time Mary gasped, I cried more.  Maybe it's a mother's empathy, don't know.  But each whip strike made me jump too.

James Caviezel was perfect for this role!  

I didn't get it all done by the time Robb came upstairs, so Meri and I watched the last 45 minutes together on Sunday afternoon.

On Easter Sunday, we were up early and I made Easter baskets for all the people under my age that would be at our house for lunch that day.  I had made face masks for all of them and Robb suggested wrapping up rolls of toilet paper to go along with the candy.  perfect!  They definitely had the 2020 theme going!  

Then, Robb and I attended "small" church for the Easter service.  Only nine total in the building.  

And yay!!!!  the organist showed up!  We got to sing Alleluias!!!!  I think she heard my weak piano attempt on the online Good Friday service and thought we needed a more professional sound. ;)  

Actually she did hear the GF service and thought that hearing the hymn was a beautiful addition to the lessons and sermon that the older recorded sermons had been.  So she wanted to offer her talents.  and it was beautiful!

After church, my nephew, his gf and her brother cancelled on us.  So did Shub.  So it was just the local McVal clan and I needn't have bothered vacuuming! 

Lunch was great!  As Robb put it, you can't go wrong with a Cure 81 ham, but you can certainly overcook the scalloped potatoes.  I didn't think they were bad, I love them!  But he thought they hadn't had enough moisture in the crock pot and had gone too far.  Eh - more for me!

And since it's was pouring rain and COLD outside, Meri and Jen hid the Easter eggs and candy all over the living room, staircase and upstairs hall for Leon to find.  Usually they would ALL go hunt them down, but I had other things to attend to and they said okey dokey.  They only hid one dozen eggs as there are only so many places to hide things here without just dumping them in a toy box and putting a firetruck over it.  Those would have been lost forever...

Or until after three months, someone dumped it out and the smell of rotten sulfury eggs would NEVER get out of our house.

Here's the boy just before the hunt began.

His haul is still sitting on the dining room table and people may or may not be swiping candy here or there.  Robb said that to help prevent childhood obesity, we should eat their Easter candy.

I'm not convinced that that is a bad idea.

I had visited JoAnn fabrics last week and DUOed with Meri while I was inside.  She picked out the fabric for her face mask and Shub's.  I got one of each done for the baskets, but will complete their second pair last this week.  She loved hers.  We put pipe cleaners in a small sewn in channel so you could shape the mask to your face better and not blow your exhales into your eyes or fog up your glasses.  Perfect!

We spent the day visiting with each other, watching the Passion (with Meri), putting together a puzzle with Leon, washing up the china, eating a second lunch of a ham sandwich at 3pm... , and visiting with Maddy and Matthew via DUO.

Except for the weather and company cancelling, it was a beautiful weekend and Easter!


Practical Parsimony said...

Oh, I shuddered at the thought of a lost egg! You had a busy Easter. Robb is funny. I ate lots of the candy my kids got at Easter, but that line about childhood obesity was not available then. Robb is funny.

SAM said...

So Iowa doesn't have a stay at home or a Shelter at home, just the social distance stance? Our Easter was just the three of us. Even our daughter who lives alone has been honoring the not mixing households, though Saturday, she came and we sat outside for as long as she could before she wanted to use the bathroom. I think it would have been fine, but because on occasion she has to go into the office, and out in the field, she is taking it seriously. We still have three weeks of the current Exec order, and then we will see what the rates of cases are.

Anne in the kitchen said...

We are a shelter in place state also so it was just the two of us. TheHub is still working and we do not want to pass anything to Mom so he takes his shoes off before entering the house then goes straight to the shower. I lysol the shoes then go do the 1 minute hand washing thing, take his clothes to the washer, then wash the hands again. I still have to go to Mom's daily so I am going nowhere but there.


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