Friday, April 10, 2020

Frandomly Friday

It's a Good Friday!  
So far anyway.  

Compared with one from a couple thousand years ago tho... Now THAT was a great Friday!

And unless I drink a couple cans of diet pop soon, it'll be a so-so Friday...

The fixings for chili dogs are in the house and I'm out in my office.  Work has been crazy busy lately.  Even with the virus, some of our customers (medical labs) are having to put most of their staffs on furlough due to the low traffic of the usual tests.  So additional help from my company is needed.

My MIL had a doctor's appointment by Zoom the other day. Maybe just to make sure she's still kicking.

She is.

Leon and I painted the front window yesterday.  From the inside, it looks cool, but we always have that shade down.  So we won't see it at all unless you go outside.

And from the outside it's all washed out.  I may hang some dark fabric behind it on the window so you can see the pic better...

 update: I just hung some black fabric behind it and it's even worse...  uggg.  Oh well.  It'll be fine.  Maybe we'll put another coat of paint on it today so it could stand out more.

Also yesterday, I dyed a jacket of mine that I've loved for years, but it's been sitting in my closet for about 20 of them because of a stain on the sleeve.  I wore it on our first trip to Ireland in 1998.

And now I see that there's paint on the pocket that didn't dye.  

Oh well.  I am loving this dark chocolate brown!

The house was so cold this morning that I turned the heat back on.    

I'm hoping to get some masks done for that neighbor today.  Sigh!  So many things come up when you least expect it!  I've got a few done, but I'm wondering if that's truly what they were looking for.  Oh well.  One of my sewing friends said they'll be happy to get anything given to them.  Yeah...  maybe.

So I'll carry on.

The people in the house are getting stir crazy and Leon's room is getting an overhaul.  Eh - it gives them something to do I guess.  However now our guest room solution needs an overhaul as well.
Not that anyone is coming to see us any time soon...

Well, back to work after I throw a few dozen eggs in the IP.
Have a wonderful Good Friday and Happy Easter!


SAM said...

I have no hot dogs in the house, so of course reading you are making chili dogs makes me want one. I'll probably watch church at some point, but won't be the same. My son when he was in 7th grade had the honor of accoliting for Good Friday and carried in a big cross. It was very special.

Jill said...

Love the painting! Maybe some light colored construction paper behind it could help? Hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful Easter! Stay healthy!

Many blessings,

Michelle said...

Well, I like the dyed jacket and I say wear it anyway! Put a decorative flower on the spot, or something else. My spare room needs an overhaul. Been using it for a Goodwill stockpile spot. Now the store is closed. Don't even know if the donation "box" is available. I have lots of clothes, books, etc...ready for them. Stay well and Happy Easter.


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