Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Working Things Out

I got up early today and worked out with Meri!!

There is a space where we go that has a bunch of equipment there, untouched.

She has a whole routine that she used to do, so I tagged along and did it too.

The weights felt powerful, the treadmill even more powerful and then when I did a torso turny thing while holding a weight, I started feeling less powerful...

We worked out for 30 minutes and I worked off all the calories of my cappuccino just on the treadmill.  It tells you how many calories you've burned.  nice...

So I came home and had breakfast, totally wrecking what I'd done. Well, not really, it was a normal calorie counting breakfast.  I'm determined to lose more weight...

We're going to try and do this a few times a week together.  She's more ambitious and will go more often than that.

We're both doing the My Fitness Pal app too.  If you want to be my friend on there, let me know!
Everyone needs a little encouragement!

I had given Meri my old scale and just recently replaced it with a new one. 
It'll take some getting used to.
When you first step on it, it gives me good news.
When I step off and back on, it's 2 pounds heavier.
Bi-polar scale...

So I'm going to use the first number it gives me, because it's being consistently weird about it.
I may trade back for my older scale as the numbers are lit up on that one.

Meri got Robb's old bike out and got it road ready. Shub bought a bike and they've been biking around.  Plus Meri has been riding bikes with her only charge the last couple weeks and has been enjoying it a lot.

The pic below is Ryan and my brother, Mark in 2008 when they went on the RAGBRAI bike ride across Iowa.  Mark used to go every year and that year, he talked us into helping Ryan buy a super duper bike and go with him for a couple days.

I should probably get my bike fixed up too, but eh... I know where I can work out...


Michelle said...

I've been working out more too. My 19 year old daughter showed me a popsugar fitness link on youtube. Loved doing that and strained my left knee making me feel like a 90 year old person. *sigh*

Practical Parsimony said...

I wish I had a bike and the ability to ride it right now. My back is falling apart.


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