Thursday, June 25, 2020

Diving in and gasping back to the surface

I found that the button holer in my sewing stuff is a bust.  I've ordered a new one and the shirt will wait until I have a button holer that is actually MADE for my machine.  Not sure where the other one came from but it's not creating button holes...  
Just messes.

Here's what I have so far 

and what buttons I've pulled them out of.

Oh, so I was feeling all powerful this morning after my workout with Meri.

Over my breaks today, so far...  
I've taken all our pop cans up town for the 4th of July fireworks donation bin, 
taken some food from the church food pantry box to the school's food pantry, 
dropped some Christmas lights and a "Michonne" sword at Meri's, 
(It's hers.  It might as well be there... ;) )
picked up lunches from the school for Leon, 
swapped our empty propane tank with a fresh one at the co-op,  
wrapped a present in the car, 
watered the outdoor plants, 
weeded and cut out some volunteer trees in the front yard landscaping,
worked with Leon on pulling apart two very tight 5 gallon buckets,
filled both with water for watering plants for tomorrow,
pulled a few weeds in the garden,
showed Leon how to tumble the compost bin a few turns so he can do it every day now,
and baked a chocolate cake.

I was thinking about mowing the yards over lunch but instead I think I'll go see Ada.

Two nights ago, I slept for roughly 3 hours, so yesterday I felt like hell.
Now that the Advil has kicked in today, I feel like I could do anything!
But right now, I'll sit down for a bit before diving into another project...


Anne in the kitchen said...

Years ago where I was working, during break all the younger workers would pass a joint around. They would always laugh because I told them my recreational drug of choice was Advil.

SAM said...

As a non sewer-I didn't know there was something like a button holer.

Practical Parsimony said...

Thankfully, I have two buttonhole attachments for one machine. Well, I also bought a machine just like it for $30, so I can cannibalize if one ever breaks. AND, my other machine, a 1955 Singer, makes buttonholes, too. With my prediliction for knits, I may never make another buttonhole!

R's Rue said...

You learn something new everyday. Thank you.


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