Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Crafty Folk...

 Ok.  I've got 10 minutes before a meeting... So here goes.

Leon and I went to a painting pottery place a few weeks ago and we got our fired stuff last night. 
One of the items... Leon took off with his mug to show his dad and I didn't get a pic of it.

 And while there, we indulged in a couple more pieces.  He's kind of crafty.

Mine looks like grass wilted into the soap dish.  I needed a new one for my kitchen.

MY attempt at being crafty was repainting our bathroom ceiling a few weeks ago.  Actually on the same day that we did the first pottery paint day.  It was a welcome break after the fiasco I went thru on that ceiling and my pottery looked better than the ceiling.

But anyway, I had a plasticky tarp over the whirlpool bath tub and was carefully stepping around it with a small basin of white paint and a brush.  I was almost done but wanted to get the area JUST above the bathtub one more time. Wouldn't you just know it?...

As I put one foot at the head of the tub, I placed the other on the back ledge facing the wall.  All of the sudden I could feel myself losing my balance and falling backwards.  I just knew that the back of my head would either hit the faucet or the edge of the tub on the opposite side and I would be dead and Robb would have to use my life insurance money to hire a maid until he could find another wife. Who knows?  The maid might just fit the bill... but anyway!

I twisted and spun my body around, screaming as I fell and landed in the tub on my butt.  WELL!

Robb came running in and looked stunned that I'd survived it without any major injuries!  I was just disgusted that some paint had splashed on the side of the tub and had him hand me a washcloth so I could clean it before having to stand up.  I saw a paint splatter go across the tarp and splashed onto my bathroom scale and a little on the trim from where I sat so I asked Robb to clean that up for me.
Whew!  I was angry with myself for being such a klutz...

When I stood up to resume my painting I noticed other paint sprays, like a blood splatter at a crime scene...  There it was on the window, across the trim and onto the pink wall...  REALLY?!!  Well now I was really mad!  So I put down my white paint and cleaned THAT up...  Got q-tips for the tiny areas that the washclothes couldn't get to.  

Got my white paint together again and went back to work on the ceiling. That's when I noticed more on the window. CRIMINY!!!!  

Shortly after that, Leon came in and asked when we were going to the painting place.

You know WHAT?!  Let me get cleaned up and I'm out of here!!!


Anne in the kitchen said...

So glad you were not terribly hurt in the fall. And that is why I no longer paint!

Rachel said...

So glad you weren't hurt more in your fall.

Practical Parsimony said...

I thought you were going to die, too. But, since you are typing, I guess you did not die?


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