Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Low Expectations

 I was taking too long to eat the delicious breakfast that Meri made for me so we cancelled the workout and went for a walk instead.  We walked out to the cemetery and noticed that the dirt was settling weird at Robb's grave.  Not sure if we need to do something to level it out or if the cemetery people do that...  I'll contact the gal in charge of it. She's a friend.

We got almost 4000 steps in this morning alone!  (I added more after getting home)(low goals because I sit at a desk all day and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle...) 

Whew. And I got all 20 heart points on my watch this morning when if I don't exercise, it might be 1 for the whole day...  It must have been our talking because we didn't run or anything strenuous at all other than walking. 

Ooh!  I just heard back from my friend and it is NOT my responsibility.  The cemetery will take care of that. Whew!

The garage is coming along.  Meri took 3 boxes home with her.  I had found a box of Barbie clothes and a big box of antiques from when Meri worked at an antique mall.  People would just give her stuff when they shut down their booths.  She picked out what she wanted from the box and left the rest.  I'll make an executive decision on the rest later today or when Maddy comes this weekend.

Will probably make another trip to the dump today with more junk.  It WILL get cleaned up... 

oh yes it will...

no pictures were taken of my garage at this point but the images are seared into Sluggy's eyes as she has seen and lived to tell the tale.


slugmama said...

I do believe I was directed specifically NOT to look to the left when we went to your office in the garage. lolz
Take a flare gun or a life alert if you do in the garage to work alone. hehehe

Practical Parsimony said...

Now, you really need to start taking pictures for us.

SAM said...

Little by little, Val. I thought my garage was the worst-and I'm not in a hurry to show mine.


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