Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Making New Memories and what to do with the old ones

 FYI: I found the key bit sitting on the threshold of my office a day later.  Whew!

Maddy arrived a week ago Saturday!!!!  It's been a whirlwind of activity since.  As soon as she got here, she cleaned some strawberries while I made coleslaw, then we went over to Meri's for a cookout with her and Shub.  

Maddy brought Daisy with her and Daisy and I are BFFs now.  So is Daisy and Shub's cat, Nugget.

It was a crazy week.  When isn't it?  Maddy, Meri and I worked in the garage and all over the house all week.  When I was working, Maddy reorganized cupboards and we had a bet on what the oldest expiration date would be on the food she was pitching.  2007 holds the record so far.  Some of those cabinets hadn't been touched in years.  

On Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day, Maddy, Meri and I worked feverishly in the kitchen to prepare all of Robb's favorite Irish foods so we could celebrate with my bestie's husband that night.  

We got the dinner done by 5:15 and Maddy ran a couple containers full of food over to Ada at the nursing home.

OH!!!  We're allowed in the nursing home now!!!!  

The inside is SO much warmer than sitting outside the window!

You have to do a quick screening when you get there, but we were SO happy to be able to in and see her now!  She's so relieved too.  Maddy and I took her pizza for lunch that Monday and she said it was the best pizza ever.  And really if you're just eating nursing home pizza for over a year, anything would be, but later that week, I took her a blizzard from the DQ too.  She'll gain so much weight in the next few weeks!

The food and company that night was great.  Maddy and Shub played Snakes and Ladders with Mike after dinner in honor of Robb and Ireland.  We had bought it in Ireland 16 years ago.  Basically Chutes and Ladders, but you slide down snake backs. :)

We sorted our things in the garage and on Thursday, Robb's siblings arrived to go through their mom's things that had been sitting for 15+ years untouched.  It was a painful day, so I won't get into the details but the dumpster (4 times the size I was expecting) is heaping full and another load sitting in the garage that maybe I'll take down to the dump today.  

In the meanwhile, I found a wagon kit that could be pulled behind a mower.  It was brand new and not put together for about 20 years.  All the parts were there and wouldn't that be handy for when we're moving up Grandma's things from the bottom of the hill?!  So Meri, Shub and I started putting it together last night.  Got part of it done before Meri remembered she had a rug being delivered last night and it was raining.  She got home in time to rescue it from the rain, mostly.  It's beautiful.  The wagon will wait.  It's very patient...

On Saturday morning, before Maddy left to go back home, she, Meri and I went through all of Robb's clothes.  Nothing is being pitched.  They and Ryan each have a few shirts, sweatshirts, etc each and there are tons more.  They're all packed up now and someday I'll start making things out of them.  Memory pillows, quilts, nothing will be wasted.

More tomorrow on how we celebrated Robb's birthday.


SAM said...

I am glad for you your kids are a help and blessing. Take all the time you need, and keep enjoying when you can see your bestie, your children, and hang with Leon. Maybe someone will finish that wagon when you are not looking.

Practical Parsimony said...

Your girls are performing a vital aspect to your life now. Good deal on finding a wagon! Who is Ada? The food you bring her must be a great relief from nursing home food, well, food from one source for a year.

Michelle said...

I am glad you have your girls to help you through all of this. There is much to deal with, I know.

Meg B. said...

Wow. That's a lot to be dealing with. And in your pictures, I see you have a lot of stuff in the house as well, heaped on top of stuff. It's how life is, but I SO want to spare my loved ones that, so I, much to their dismay at times, readily toss stuff. Last thing I want after I am gone, is for one of my kids to be having a great day, and, then, lo and behold, find a bit of paperwork under a pile of magazines that kicks him in the gut. Hang in there. Sending thoughts and prayers.


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