Thursday, May 20, 2021

Atta Girl!

Our 33rd wedding anniversary was last Friday.  A couple of my sewing ASG friends took me out to lunch and we had a wonderful time. 
Meri wanted to take me to the new Godzilla movie that night for our anniversary because that's the type of movie Robb would have taken me to for a special "romantic" holiday.

One anniversary he took me to "No Escape", which is about a bunch of men imprisoned on an island.  Not a single female role... Not even in a flashback.  But I didn't care.  There was Robb and super buttered, salted popcorn...

Photos from my SIL's college graduation video. She snapped a couple pics as she watched it yesterday!  That's my dad off on the left!!  Ahh the 80s and the poofy hair...

Even on our Anti Cruise, the weekend before he died, he took me to "Monster Hunter" with Mila Jojovich, which is based on a video game.  I still liked it but afterwards he was all apologetic saying sorry that he took me to a nerdy geek movie instead of a more romantic one.  The only other people in the theater fit that fill to a "T".  He took me to the Brasil-ian restaurant afterwards.  I was totally fine and just enjoyed my time with him.

So anyway, our plans that night changed and Meri and I will see Godzilla eventually.  We were thinking mid-week evening but on Monday she found out that one of her best friends is moving 3 hours away.  She's spent as much time with him this week as she could.  Helping him find which apartments to check out and help pack.  

Some college friends, and former housemates of Robb's, invited me to a semi-reunion tomorrow night to an I-Cubs game and then the farmers market the next morning.  I have to drop Leon off at his mom's anyway and my kids thought this was a brilliant outing for me so ok!!  He would have loved getting together with them too.  

I've been emailing with a friend from ASG who is a widow also.  She mentioned that she'd named her "to do" list as "Atta Girl" list.  And I've done a few things around the house that make me say to myself Atta Girl!!!

The leaky faucets in the bathroom that probably added $50 a month to water bill is now fixed!!!

The kitchen TV has now been moved to a wall rack and is adjustable so I can be working in the kitchen and see it easily if I want.  Since I have a fire stick on it, I can bring up recipes if I want and follow them with ease.  Whew!

And 2021 will also be known as the year I either fixed something or replaced it.  The stove element broke and not even the appliance guy could get the screws out so I may be screwed....  I've been checking out videos on how to remove stubborn screws and that at the top of my Atta Girl list today.  We'll see...  Otherwise I have my sights on a new stove but don't want to spend the money yet.

As my brother would say... "Write the check!"  hmmmmm

We'll see if my Jane of all trades, master of none will do the trick today.

I attempted to take a shower this morning and as soon as I stepped under the water it went cold... REALLY?  That water heater was replaced 2 weeks after Robb died!!!  My first thought was that it's broken...  So after I got dressed I went to the basement and nothing seemed out of order.  The heated water pipe was warm like it should be... then I heard a toilet flush way upstairs.  ahhHA! Someone had just taken a super long shower and used it up!  arggg...  at 5am? really?? 


Well, off to my day.  Have good one and whatever you do today, Atta Girl!

1 comment:

SAM said...

What a fitting name for your list, Atta Girl! I will commission you to fix my leaky faucets.


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