Monday, May 24, 2021

Weekend Thriving

I had such a good time on Friday night with my college friends.  They were all, at some point, either roommates or housemates with Robb. Well, except for the girl on the far end, but she did attend our college at the same time as we did and since then has married the guy next to me, Robb's old dorm roommate.

Things got a little emotional and it was awkward but helpful to have a group hug in our row.  It's impossible to wrap our heads around what has happened and so many people are hurting.

But anyway...

The game was a lot of fun and I ate my weight in popcorn that progressively got chewier and chewier.  It was pretty humid... I didn't realize how that affected the popcorn until it did.
I was still flossing it out of my teeth the next day. :)

The balls kept getting hit foul into our area and at one time, Joel was able to protect his wife from a stray one that ricocheted off a seat in front of us.  WOOHOO!  A souvenir!!!  He gave it to a daughter who attended with us.

And instead of the kiss cam, I think they need to implement a "Cringe Cam" because we were doing LOTS of cringes from rogue balls...  And they were hilarious...  

I left as soon as the teams shook hands because I still had a drive home that night.  They were all either at a hotel or one of their daughter's for the night.

I met up with them again the next morning and we attended the farmer's market.  And I JUST remembered the cheese that I bought!!!  I know what my morning snack will be!!

When I got back into town, I immediately changed and went over to Meri's to mow her yard.  It was completed finally and I turned off the mower to go get a refill on the gas.  And then it wouldn't start...  That's always just the way, isn't it?  So I sat in my car and watched the Abyss on my cell phone, waiting for the mower to cool.

In the meanwhile, Meri got home from work and invited me in.  We spent the afternoon together working on projects around her house and enjoying some lunch.  I'd forgotten to eat.
Then when she had to head off to an engagement party, I headed out of town as well on the mower.  Since the bridge is out and the alfalfa field that I'd been using as an alternative way to get across the creek that splits our town in half, had grown taller than the mower since I'd cut through it,  I had to drive the 4 miles around on the detour...  REALLY?!!!!  
Yes. really...  

I pulled my t-shirt sleeves up over my shoulders so I wouldn't get the farmer's tan thing going and headed out of town.  SO.MANY.CARS.PASSING...  I lied to Meri and told her that I only got flipped off and honked at twice.  She felt bad so I had to tell her those were lies.  Everyone was super patient to drive around me.  Found out last night that a friend from our Grief Share group saw me and wondered if she needed to turn around and follow me in case I ran out of gas. hmmm..
I'm glad she didn't!

In the course of a solid hour to drive the detour, I got some color in my cheeks and rest of me.  Robb would have gotten sunburned completely in the first mile.  But my melanin is a bit different than his was so it's just a light tan.  Also got covered in sweat and dust from the gravel road part of the detour.

I quickly mowed the front yard as soon as I got back to my house and before turning off the mower, because you know... it overheats...

Then I walked back to Meri's for my car.  This is what I COULD have driven the mower down and back up if I'd opted to go this route.  I still think I could have done it, but Meri says no.  It's pretty steep...

And THIS bridge is supposed to be done a week from Wednesday.  I'm taking bets on the actual date...  Because I don't think they're going to make it.  There's still a pretty big gap to fill in on both sides of the bridge.

I had a good soak in the tub when I finally got home and don't think I even ate supper.  My lunch was at 3:30 anyway, so not a big deal...  Leon calls that "lupper".

Then lots of stuff happened on Sunday and it was all a blur.  Just normal, rushing here or there, church, the last Sunday School til fall, getting my students in trouble by giving them whistles, picking up the boy, dropping off stuff at MIL's, Grief Share, DUO call with Maddy, etc.

Meri and I will finally be going to that Godzilla movie tonight.  I hope.  And maybe Leon will go with us.  That remains to be seen...

Already plotting out next weekend!
Living for that weekend baby!!!


Anne in the kitchen said...

I am glad you had a good time with old friends.
You are an excellent Mom to mow your daughter's grass. I love my sons, but not that much!

SAM said...

That is epic mower use! I'm glad your friend day was filled with fun.

Practical Parsimony said...

You certainly had a ride on the mower. I can imagine how good that bath felt!


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