Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 2 of quarantine - Distraction Techniques

 I made sugar free jello in cute little half pint jars this morning.  I'm getting addicted to them with some sugar free whipped topping that we still have leftover from the holidays.  Don't remember exactly which one...

Last night I was determined to find some cottage cheese that I was positive we had in the fridge and mix it with some sugar free whipped topping and maybe some jello mix, but all I found was cottage cheese that had expired in October and was frozen...  and a cottage cheese container with rotten rotel in it.

I think my next cleaning binge needs to be the fridge.

Maddy and Matthew stopped by last night for a couple At Home Covid tests that I had.  I waved to them, yelling "I love you!"

A church friend stopped by for some winter tires he had stored in my garage.  I'd pulled them out earlier and yelled "How are you"s from the porch.

My socially distanced life is HOPPING!

I'm sure I'll be calling out people walking past just for someone new to talk to soon.

Streaming everything is becoming old... Everything at the tip of my fingers and nothing to watch.  And since I had some rabbit ears sitting there collecting dust, I decided to see what's happening in the real world.  I mean, HOW would I get an accurate picture of what the weather will be if I'm hearing it from Facebook who has NO idea where my podunk little town is?  I want to hear it from our local news people and see the moving radar screen for MY area.

SO...  I hooked the rabbit ears up and suddenly got a feeling of being in a hotel with no clue what channels are what.  And why are there so many channels about shopping, skin care and solving old mysteries?

SO.. I went one step further and plugged in an old Tivo that I found stuck in Robb's closet.  It had a lifetime membership on it so really was just plug and partially play. 

It used to be Meri's when she was a pre-teen.  It has Aquamarine, Walking Dead episodes and the 70s version of The Poseidon Adventure recorded on it!!

 Of course, that's when I realized it needs a digital/analog converter box.  I ordered one on Ebay and it'll be here Monday.

Woohoo!  I so miss the built in TV guide from my Tivo years!  

I can't wait to speed past the commercials again!  They still haven't improved much...
Well, back to work.  Need to write code to zip up specific files today in a timely fashion before I get distracted again...

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