Thursday, January 20, 2022


 Well, not out of here as quickly as you'd think...  I DO work from home.

BUT!!!!  I have a booster shot this afternoon and if all goes well, my bestie's birthday tomorrow.

I thought for sure my quarantine would last until Saturday but then was on a DUO call with Maddy last night and she asked how Bible study was. Ummmm ...  MOM!!!  IT'S DONE! and YAY!

and to think... If I'd only known a couple hours earlier I wouldn't have turned down a supper invite with a couple friends. sigh.  Oh well.  I got some sewing in last night and am ALMOST ready to show you what it looks like.

In the meanwhile... I finally got around to do my mid-month bills yesterday and when I got done with that I was feeling all powerful (poor but powerful) and started sorting off the many many things that got stacked on my desk in the last several months.  

There are days when I work remotely from my telecommuting desktop and don't see my office for weeks at a time.  And when I do, I wonder why I even work out there in the cold office off the garage.  SURE there's a heater, but it's downright cold until it warms things up.  and it contains a bulk of my fabric stash.  Sluggy knows that...  

So yesterday was THE day.  For at least making a start.

LOOK what I found!!!

An ice scraper wedding favor from a college friends wedding in 2004.  hmm..  I suppose that means more snow is coming.  I also just heard she's retiring after this school year.  We're too young for that!
I also found THIS in my mom's handwriting!

My mom sewed so many things but it must have been after I went to bed.  I don't remember her sewing during the days...  It was for my youngest sister and was SO cute on her!
I can't find a picture of her wearing it so here is the next best thing.  She's the youngest.  I'm the one on the far right holding up a book.

Anyway, back to work.  Have to figure out a few miracles before the end of the day IF I survive my booster...


SAM said...

Freedom from quarantine! Enjoy your days now being able to see humans out of your home.

msprimadonna67 said...

That family photo is amazing!


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