Friday, May 17, 2024

Misremembering Memorial and plans

 Memorial Day isn't until NEXT weekend, not THIS one! Whew!  But no matter.  After Biolife this morning, I stopped and picked up some flowers for both Robb's stone and his dad's.  Will get them put out this weekend with help from the kids.

I took the Aggster for a walk yesterday and she's waving at the bus barn.  AND the cardtrol company was giving out free hotdogs and chips as customer appreciation so we picked up a couple meals for the gang back home.  I think they're still in the fridge.  Oh well, Leon can eat them tonight.

I'm headed to my hometown for a baby shower tomorrow.  Looking forward to spending some time with family.  Hopefully back in time to help Jen change out a bathroom air vent and a patio light.  Plans, plans.

I got some Aggie time in this morning while Jen got ready for work and hoping to have a bonfire, firepit tonight with Leon and the gang.  I've got a lot of branches and junk to burn and I'm thinking Leon wants to cook some marshmallows or hotdogs.  We'll see.

I ordered a cake for one of the confirmands at church this weekend.  The gal at the bakery did NOT understand the word confirmation and repeated the words back to me, "Congratulations on your consirmation".  Um, what's that?  That's supposed to be an "F".  I had to spell it for her a few times until she got it, I hope.  "F" as in Frank!  I guess Sunday will be the big reveal! :)

Oh well, It's not MY kid being confirmed!  That's not for another 2 years.

I joined a long hair for women over 50 group this morning.  I just got it cut on Wednesday!  

This is my intro picture for the group.

I feel so lightheaded...  Eh - it was a trim.  I've had bangs most of my life except for a few times when I thought, hey, let's look like Christy Brinkley! (as in my senior pic on the top shelf) and then thought again.  When it grows into my glasses, it's time for a trim.  I don't do it myself anymore because my hairdresser will just shake her head and feel like upping her price.  I can't have her doing that!

Have a beautiful weekend!

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