Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tying things off...

Maddy had an extra credit project last night to get an extra 10% on her family and consumer science course. She had a baby! After school, she had piano lessons, so she sent her baby to a friends house to babysit. Then brought her baby home.

It brought back the days when my babies were that age, however mine weighed significantly more than a standard baby anyway... This one does feel real. And sporatically will start to cry. At first when I heard it, I thought someone had a strange new cell phone ring, until Maddy grabbed the baby and stuck a key in her back! If you remember that old Saturday Night Live skit where it was a commercial for a Nativity set with baby Jesus giving off authentic sounds of the season... I was vividly reminded of that.

On the way to Bible study last night, Maddy, Meri & Bailey (aka Rafiki) were in the back seat. Meri wanted to sing "I want a hippopotomus for Christmas" but Maddy told her to shush and not wake Bailey. Meri got upset, so Robb told her to sing anyway. Now sing like you're happy! And in the middle of the second line, little Bailey Rafiki started wailing... Meri burst into tears.

We pulled the car over so Maddy could take Bailey out of her carseat and stick the key in her back. After a few minutes, the crying episode was over and Meri was cheered up again a little by helping with the baby.

Everyone at church loved Maddy's new baby and were shocked that she'd had one so young.

You know... if you look closely you can see a resemblance between Maddy's old baby pics and this little bundle of cry.

Maddy came shuffling up the stairs this morning with baby in tow. Apparently the settings on this particular baby were set to "stun" or "scared straight". Bailey cried every 1/2 hour to an hour throughout the night. Maddy didn't get more than 20-30 minutes sleep at any particular time. And not being a morning person anyway... this didn't help.

She now wants to wait until she's 50 to have a baby... IF she has one...

Four generation picture


Flat Creek Farm said...

Ha! Love it! Our son's GF is a FACS teacher, of course what in my day we called "Home Ec." She has some cute stories about the baby experiences.
Love the four generation photo! LOL! -Tammy

MrsMonicaLB said...

What a great post! It's not all hugs and kisses when it comes down to taking care of babies.
stopping by from SITS have a nice day!

Macey said...

That's awesome. Any situation that can conjure up a skit from SNL rocks. :)

slugmama said...

Well if your daughter wants to wait until she's 50 to have a baby, I'd say this was a successful venture!LOLOL

My son left for his 1st yr. of college this august. He's a good kids but somewhere in the back of my mind I am waiting to get that phone call....the one where he tell's me I'm going to be a grandma!lol

Bombshell BLISS said...

Perhaps those babies should be standard issue for every teenager. Ha!

KK said...

That is a good lesson!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Your blog has me laughing up a storm (at work, no less... thanks a lot!)!

I love the "four generation" picture. I remember doing that project when I was in high school... in those low-tech days, I carried around a hard-boiled egg for a week. It eventually rotted, and so did my grade. I got a C on that project!!!

Hopefully that doesn't say too much about my current mommy skills...


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

My-my...was just posted how much I want to have a baby! I'm ready...errr??!

Dandy said...

That is fantastic!! So perfect I can only imagine!

Dawn said...

Ha! Nice.

Southern Gal said...

Oh, I love the four generations picture!!

Unknown said...

This was funny and scary to read! I didn't know they still did this in HS...didn't know that Home Ec was now called Consumer Life Science, either! They should make all teens (boys, too!) carry a robot baby around as a deterrent...wait...some of them might actually like it...never mind.

Unknown said...

I didn't realize some places still did this, but I think it's a great exercise for teens, especially ones who are sexually active!

Love the pics!

Frances said...

What a great learning experience! All teens should have to do this!

Amethystmoon said...

I really thing all girls should have to do this project, it might make them wait a little longer, or at least give them an idea what to expect.

Tire Swing Mom said...

Very funny, and a good lesson learned! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

very funny! great post!

Anonymous said...

What a great learning experience - especially the night-time responsibilities! How long does she keep the baby? I guess the siblings learn early baby-responsibilities, too! LOL

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I wish that my son & his wife had done this before they had their first!!! Actually, I wish I had done this before I had MY FIRST!!!...:)JP

Your Best Friend said...

That's a great story! I never had this experience as a teenagers but was always jealous of those who did. Now I have three of my own and teach preschool, so I'm good!

KathyMorelli said...

Hahaha..funny ! Didn't know they cried every 1/2 hour! How true this is! Good project!

Rural Living Today said...

You know the funny thing is I'm planning on having one more... and I am beginning to feel the "mama wants a baby" urges. But... I love my sleep... this post really reminded me of that! It's definitely a good learning tool though, I never did it as a teenager but I think it would be a good thing for anyone.

Batman said...

That's not the same skit where they bring in the stunt baby is it? Extremely hilarious in any case :)


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