2) My middle child is getting geared up for her first bible camp away from home and parents!!!! 4 days with kids who believe the same way she does. She's going to have an awesome time and make tons of new friends. I'm going to miss her.
3) The HD (heated discussion) of the other day has turned into a low simmer. We'll see what happens by this weekend.
4) I buy a lot of floss these days and keep the floss sticks in my purse, on my desk, in the kitchen, bathroom, you name it... Maybe someday I'll take the time to go to the dentist...
5) I wrecked my sisters LTD once because of a firefly.
6) I broke up with a boy on our 3rd date because of the built up plaque on his teeth. But I didn't tell him that!
7) In highschool, I would buy a cold burrito from the convenience store in the morning, leave it on the dash of my car and it would be piping hot by lunch. I'm surprised I didn't die of food poisoning....
8) I gave my younger sister a haircut and attempted to layer. She ended up looking like Rod Stewart... She wasn't too happy.
9) Same sister. I gave her a perm when her hair was a lot longer. She ended up looking like the cowardly lion... She wasn't too happy. Seems to be a pattern here... If I touch her hair, she's not happy. For the record, I thought the curls were beautiful!
10) I want to be on Project Runway when I grow up.
Ok - So I need to pass this on to 10 bloggers who I think give Honest Scrap. hmm.. I've a lot going on this morning and all you guys are awesome. So if you're honest! and you like to scrap! then please grab it and stick it on your blog compliments of me. *is that a copout?* Oh well.
Have a great day everyone!
I like your method of cooking burritos!! I join you in your fight against plaque - I'm a constant flosser too - no wonder you had to break up with that dude!!
I'm a terrible time with leaving comments today. I made a mess of poor kado!'s blog.
Thank you for the laugh, your poor sister!
Forgive me if I leave this comment 37 times!
Your honesty is so funny!
I floss all the time, but I also go to the dentist twice a year. I am so much better than you.
I need to floss more often!
your teeth must be super clean, I hate going to the dentist, but my dentist is kinda cute so I must, at least once a year!
I broke up with a guy for the same reason after two dates. There were other issues, but the thought of ever being expected to kiss him and his plaque.... *shudder*
I just saw a headline on Yahoo about legendary car flops and the Pinto is on there!!! It made me laugh. (Can't wait to show my husband.) And it made me think of you and your car stories.
Ha, love the hair story, that's awesome, and too bad! Love Rod Stewart, too!
The burrito thing is a good idea!
good oral hygiene is important!
Sewing went well; i'll have to write a post about it. had quite a character in my class.
plaque build up is disgusting!
one time i looked like tom petty. for reals. not on purpose either.
ha! the burrito and the plaque have me sitting here laughing!!!
You were just ahead of your time McVal with your car solar oven idea!lol
Your sister has a bad memory or she must really love you to let you even touch her hair after the 1st hair disaster.....
I'll be thinking of you and your simmer discussion as mine will be kicking into high gear when DS comes home this weekend. ;-)
I wish PR was around when I was younger and had more umph too!
The 1st winner Jay grew up and lived near here....my DH knew a friend of his who use to work at his company...says Jay is crazy as batshit.lol
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