The past two weeks have been very wet in the midwest... So yesterday, before it could rain again, I took the opportunity to mow before the mini trees in my front yard started scaring my dogs. There were a lot (6-12" tall) and gave the party-ers across the street something to talk about on Saturday night...
I usually trim at least one side of our chain link fence closely each time I mow and this time I went down the length of the fence and found a surprise at the end.

Our mulberry trees were in production, big time! I let the mower shut off and ate my fill of the upper branches so eventually when I tell the kids *IF I tell the kids* then they can enjoy some later. And of course I told the kids... I sent Meri down to them this morning to take these pics... She took taxes apparently...

There are 3 huge mulberry trees back by the creek dipping over the fence. I'm surprised the dogs haven't started pulling the branches down and eaten some of them yet.
Mmmmmmm! Delish!

But don't eat the frosted ones...
Yum! I am jealous:)
We used to have a nice mulberry at our previous address. The new owners cut it down because they didn't like the mess. :(
We had 2 mulberry trees in our yard when we lived in Norfolk, VA. I loved eating off of and climbing those trees.
My mother hated those trees because my summer clothes were eternally stained with berry
Thanks for letting me remember something good about my childhood....
Mulberries look yum. Had a mulberry tree outside my house when I was growing up, but haven't had any since then and it was a long time ago. I don't remember what they taste like? I also want to remember what boysenberries taste like....
Can you make jam out of em?
nothing better than picking them from the vines and straight to our mouths~YUM*
I wish we had a Mulberry tree! There is one down the road...perhaps a sprig could happen to find it's way to the Hollow. What do you think?...:)JP
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