You scared yet?
No? ok...
It was 11:00pm that very Friday. I'm leaving the hall where we'd just enjoyed a super evening with family. You know the one... There were 83 people. So, my nephew Stephen and I locked up the hall, dropped the keys into the city hall drop box and started for home. The car seemed sluggish. I didn't mention my worries to Stephen, but made a note to tell Robb in the morning. It just.didn't.feel.right. I feared the worst and thought there was something major wrong with our car and it was going to cost a fortune to fix!
So Saturday afternoon, I had to run an errand. Jumped in my car and it wouldn't start. Wouldn't start and wouldn't start. (I tried several times). Until it didn't even turn over... Not good.
We didn't have time to look at it that day, which is unfortunate because Sunday was a chill one! So, in the dark on Sunday night, Robb tried to jump start it. We found the back door had been left open due to a frozen latch and the battery probably drained from that. shoot. Even with Robb rev'ing up his car while I tried to start mine, it still wouldn't start. Not good.
After much messing around, Robb finally came over and knocked on my passenger window. I hit the power button and it lowered a bit. Remember, it's cold out... He asked, "Are you by any chance out of gas?"
Hmm.. Hey would you look at that guage?! It's on empty empty!
hmm! I'd been so busy the last few days getting ready for the reunion I hadn't glanced at it at all. So he and Meri drove up to the cardtrol pumps and brought back 4 gallons of gas.
VROOM! with the help of the jumper cables of course...
So I had gotten hit with a double whammy. Out of gas and battery power. A lethal combination!
So now that the weather is zero at day break, I'm so thankful for a car that starts!

I am a crazy person when it comes to gas... I hate it when it gets below half. When my husband drives it on the weekends, I usually get in the car when it is almost empty. Drives me crazy. Now that it is 0 degrees outside I will be watching when he drives too, to make sure there is gas in the car more then "ding" left.
Being married to a 'car' man, he's ALWAYS reminding me that it's not good for the fuel pump to let the gas tank get too much below a quarter of a tank. Needless to say, a rarely run out of gas. Now my son on the other hand, is calling me all the time to bring the gas can to him!
I ran out of gas once when my gauge got stuck and I vowed to never let it happen again. *knock on wood*
This HAD to have been your FBomb, huh? Sounds like something that would happen to me!
Car troubles can be such a pain. We have come to rely upon them so much to get here and there.
I just read another bloggy friend had her car battery die over the weekend and we got hit with a $980+ repair bill ourselves on FRiday.
Have I ever mentioned how much I Loathe vehicles?lol
HA! :) Sounds like something I'd do.
I got all upset the other day because I turned my sewing machine on and it wouldn't work. It took me way longer than I'm going to admit to discover it wasn't plugged in.
Ha ha ha!!!!! That's good!
I'm so scared of running out of gas! I never have! (Knock on wood...) But, that's not to say that with my scatter brain it couldn't happen...Never say never, I guess...
I ran out of gas....once. As I was walking to a gas station to get some gas, someone rear ended my car and totalled it.
I never ran out of gas again.
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