Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Popeye the sailor man! woot woot!

I was ill last week. So ill that I went to the doctor on Friday and had to get a shot and my blood drawn. The results came back yesterday and my iron count is way below low. Hmmm.. That would explain my lazy weekend. ;) I thought I was feeling better and even tho I had a lot going on over the weekend, I didn't over exert myself. A lot of sitting down activities...

But I'm on doctors orders to take it easy. I have noticed that when I climb the stairs I want to lie down and relax when I really went up to bring the laundry down... Or when I go into the house for my lunch break, I really don't want to do anything other than get my food and sit in front of the tv. Good thing I work sitting at a computer all day!

I thought I was just being lazy, but it's my body trying to tell me something... The light headed-ness means something... The needle-like feeling in my hands... The sudden chills... So my dear husband dug some liver out of the deep freeze and left it on the counter to thaw for my lunch along with spinach. He'll also bring me back my ferrous sulfate and OJ after work that I really should have picked up last night except we were in the middle of a blizzard...
Getting older kind of sucks...


mamahasspoken said...

Sorry but the only thing that sounded good was the OJ. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Southern Gal said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I had those same problems, thought I was getting lazy taking naps everyday. The headaches and fatigue got the best of me and I went to the doctor. My hemoglobin was 7.7. Not good. With the iron and liver (no way, Jose.) you should be feeling better soon.

slugmama said...

Oh goody! We get to have liver and spinach......when's dinner?
Seriously, I'll be there cuz I love liver and onions and spinach ANYTHING!!
Hope you are back to your old iron-ic self soon! ;-)

Pennie said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! And, I hope you have some good books! (Are you a reader?)

I know what it's like with all that fatigue...but I don't have to eat liver...uh...yuck! (Although, spinach is pretty yummy, if you ask me!)

I hope you're feeling well soon. Rest up. Hang in there, Val!

kshotz said...

Did they check your thyroid level? My low iron went hand in hand with irregular thyroid numbers.

Hope you get your pep back soon!!

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

Sorry you have to eat liver. The spinach sounds yummy but the liver makes me a little queasy. Too bad chocolate isn't filled with iron. Feel better soon...

Macey said...

Oh, I was TOTALLY gonna tell you to eat liver. EW. But ya do what ya gotta do.

Michelle said...

Do get better. The liver does not sound good.

Carma Sez said...

my iron is always low too. Tired of the regular iron pills making me feel like crap *cough* constipation - my friend turned me on to a natural iron product that is sold online. been taking it for a while now and I'm curious to see if my iron results will be better at my yearly visit.

Hang in there!!

Sonya Ann said...

At least, it wasn't something serious. But still I'm sorry that you feel bad.
You will be up and running in no time flat.

Frances said...

I am sorry you are feeling bad, but really glad you found out the reason. Hope you are feeling better soon.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I had the same problem before, lever pate is supposed to be good as well!
feel better dear! My-my...theme song of this cartoon is my head now~thanks!

Sheila said...

I too have the same problem. I guess I was on iron for over a year before my levels came up to a "normal" level. I love liver but no one else in the house will eat it so I get my iron mostly from capsules. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.


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