Monday, January 10, 2011

Random Reviews

Feeling pretty random today...
I've been stalked over the weekend! Ever hear of the Redheaded Riter? Go check her out! She stalked me on Saturday stalker. I was a little creeped out... but you know what? It wasn't bad. In fact, I've made a bunch of new friends because of it! So in actuality, kind of cool!

Forgot to tell you guys some winnings that I had in the last couple months... Mainly because I gave some away as Christmas gifts and didn't want to spill the beans before Christmas. I got the dvd movie of Flipped from Pennie from MomThoughts! We love it! Seen it twice now... As soon as I saw it was directed by Rob Reiner, I knew it was going to be good... He directed the Princess Bride too! Gave Flipped to my girls for a gift this year. Got a very durable flosser stick from I believe A.Marie from MyMoneyMissionOnline. Was that you? I'm terrible at remembering these things!!! I should write things down.

It snowed last night and is still snowing. We expect 3-4 more inches by tomorrow morning, so when all is said and done, about 8 inches. I'm not going to snowblow until tomorrow... Unless of course it starts drifting, then I better after work so my family can get their cars in the drive.

Thursday night we celebrated Meri's birthday with her favorite meal at home. Canned raviolis and pizza rolls... Robb, MIL and I had something else. And since Meri doesn't like cake, we got 2 ice cream cakes to plow through over the weekend. YUM!Friday night, both girls had friends over. Meri had 5 eleven year olds over for lots of fun and games to celebrate her birthday. Lots of drama... Lots of laughter... Lots of running up and down the stairs when I'm trying to get to sleep... They played Romeo and Juliet for a couple hours later, a version of which I just don't understand... but earlier a crazy version of charades. Meri was trying to get them to say Leg lamp and here were a couple of their guesses...

* You're putting a baby in the cellar! * You're doing a pole dance! *
Yeah - I escaped upstairs...

My SIL is a Pampered Chef consultant and did a party hosted by my MIL at my house on Saturday morning after the girls left. Pampered Chef parties have changed a lot since the days of "watch me make something fabulous and just talk at you" days. Now it's very hands on! Everyone crowds around my counter and gets to try out the merchandise on real food while we make something fabulous. Made Loaded potato soup and it was fan.tas.tic... Can't remember all of what I ordered... I think one of the items was the kitchen oil spritzer. My old one from many many years ago, died many many years ago and it would be nice to have another. AND I purchased their can opener that doesn't leave sharp edges on cans. There was something else... but I can't remember. Yep - I'm getting old.

On Saturday afternoon, Maddy insisted on me working on her sweetheart ball dress. I've got the bodice done and the skirt halfway attached. I'm trying to the get the gathers on the skirt spread out evenly, so the poor girl won't tip over... So she sat in my sewing room and ironed seams open for me and mostly laid on the floor amidst the thread bits and texted friends. Later falling asleep on my floor while I worked around her.I chopped up one of her bras that she doesn't really like much and made her a built in one! Now she won't have to find a strapless to wear with it.

Found out that my house will be hosting her group of friends just before the sweetheart ball in a couple weeks. The boys will be getting dressed in the upper rooms, my sewing room, Meri's room and bath. and the girls will all be way downstairs getting ready in Maddy's room. Apparently they're making supper all by themselves... so us parents will probably just sit back and wait until they say, Ok! You can take pics of us now! Should be fun. But I've got a lot of thread bits to vacuum up before this happens... Oh! and a dress to finish!

Sunday after church, the girls rushed to a 4H meeting, then to a 4H county wide ice skating party. Meri took 2 of her friends from Friday night and they had a blast running into the walls, trying to drink through the glass, chasing each other around the ice. It was a good time. I sat and read some sewing mags. While there I saw a friend from college whom I haven't seen since like forever! I graduated 22+ years ago... We talked and got caught up while she put her skates on, but then she went to chase after her daughter. I guess we need to organize a local college group get-together soon... She played the violin with me in our college orchestra. *she was much better than me!*Well, there's my random weekend review. Tell me about yours!


Macey said...

I can't wait until the dress is done because I think it's gonna be gorgeous!!!

InspiredDreamer said...

Sounds like a busy but fun weekend! I went to a women's breakfast at churhc, dinner and a movie with some friends, and yesterday after church I became a lump on the couch. It was fabulous.

Have an Extraordinary Day!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I need build in bras in every dress if that's possible! McVal, you are one busy lady!! But well worth it, I'm sure ~rewarding, yes?

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

I'm tired just reading about your busy weekend. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun!

slugmama said...

After reading about your weekend I feel like a slug and I need a nap
I spent the weekend tending to sick Hubs and then I went shopping on Sunday to get away from

Michelle said...

Your weekend has exhausted me!! It sounds like everyone had a great time and I can't wait to see the finished dress.

mamahasspoken said...

I went to a pamper chef party back in the fall. Like you I ordered stuff then forgot about it. Wish I could have tried out the stuff before I bought though, I wouldn't have gotten the pineapple slicer/peeler. Just wasn't worth the money I spent...


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