Maddy made cookies yesterday after school and put both pans in the oven at the same time. So the ones on the bottom rack got a little

I love those little starter pellets that you plant the seeds in in early spring. Meri and I poured water over them this morning and they ballooned up so nicely! She's taking over Grandma's garden this summer and thinks it will fit 12 pepper plants... I don't think so. But we'll see what comes up.
Thank you to all of you that left such nice feedback on the prom dress yesterday! You don't know what that does for my sewing confidence and ego... I feel so sure of my abilities now that next I'm sure I can create a Lady Gagag (and I MEANT to say that) outfit for someone! Yep - you've created a monster. Are there steaks in my freezer?...
I'm out of DDP (Diet Dr Pepper) so for the last few days I made a pitcher of homemade sugar free French vanilla frappuccino (say that 3 times fast!) each day and wow, is that good!?! It keeps me awake too... I could go off pop entirely if I wanted!
Eh - but why?
My clock in my office is behind by almost 47.5 minutes. Each day it's been getting a little farther and farther behind. I guess I should stick in a new battery...
Have a great weekend! What kind of Frandom-ness can you guys come up with today? `
I wanna see a lady gagag outfit from you. You have to model it too.
Also, I like all cookies...even burnt ones.
Oooo - your new drink sounds GREAT...would love to pop on over and share a glass with 'ya!
And would love to see some pics of your lady gagag outfit, too! You are a riot, girl!
I love your take on things -> drive-in movie --- I'll pack some calzone! I wish I lived at your place . That would be an awesome movie treat.
A calzone + a drive-in movie sounds like pure HEAVEN right now!! And seriously...
on that prom dress. It looks finished, so I can't WAIT to see the final touches you add!!
&Oh yeah. 'Lady Gagag' - bwahahahaha!!! Loves it.
I'm with Mimi....a Lady Gaga outfit would be awesome from you!!!!!
'French vanilla frappuccino' 10 times!
LOL...I need to use those facial muscles!!
I'm with you on the staying home part. I have been running so much and this weekend I have off except for church on Sunday. Time to clean, rest, and play with the kids.
Tryinhg to catch up on everything today so never mind that I said stuff about previous posts.
Love the prom dress! Can't wait to see it all done and her all ready for the big dance!
Lady Gaga is over-rated in her outfits.
At least they at some of the cookies, mine family wouldn't have touched them.
You really are super woman. Do you wear the little outfit?
Been catching up on all your blogs, loved the prom dress, it is my daughters as we call it over here "matric farewell" in a few months, and we are frantically looking for the right pattern.
that dress is gorge! she's so pretty! i need this frap recipe or do you use the packets? it's like 9:30 in the morn and i want to bake cookies, thank u!:) i need new pans...mine suck....hope you have a fab week lady! xo
I shouldn't have read this. Now I want cookies.
You are so make me tired. LOL!
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