Wednesday, April 6, 2011

On Automatic

I lived at home with my family while in college and commuted 20 minutes each way every morning and afternoon. I also worked 20 minutes away in a slightly different direction.
Once on my way to school, I arrived at the commons parking lot and honestly could NOT remember anything from the drive there from home.

Is THAT scary?!

And as you can tell from the pic, I was NOT blond...

My mind was on automatic as was my car. My little blue Pinto seemed to know the way there without me even being in control of it...Yep - that's scary!

Once I was heading to work early on a Saturday morning and instead of turning right onto the bridge to get there, my mind and car were on automatic and I didn't realize that I was almost to college until I drove through the stockyards...

Yes ma'am... I drive the SCENIC route to school! :)

So this morning, on my way to take Meri to school, we first stopped at the post office to drop some mail in the drop box and then the library to return her research book on Helen Keller. Then started driving again. When we turned back onto the street where we live, I suddenly realized that Meri shouldn't be going there with me...

And the funny thing is, she didn't notice either...

Or she was just hoping I wouldn't notice at all.


Annie Jones said...

I can't believe you drove a Pinto. (And no, I'm not going to admit I drove a Vega for a while.)

Southern Gal said...

Gotta dig out the Pinto pictures.

I'm thinking she was hoping you wouldn't notice!

My hubby works shift work and when he's on nights sometimes he gets home and says he believes he slept all the way home. He can't remember stopping or turning or even driving down the road. It's a 30 minute drive so it's scary when he does that. I just believe God has His angels all around that car steering it where it needs to go.

Macey said...

Those cars always remind me of plain m&ms!
And that one has wheels that look like buttons! LOL

Michelle said...

Those wheels do look like buttons!

Sonya Ann said...

I bet that she thought that it was her lucky day. I'm sure she would rather have spent the day in the car than at school.
And just this morning I went in the wrong direction. Just wasn't thinking, oh wait I'm never thinking!

Blogs said...

i thought this was so cute! ur a doll:)

Pennie said...

OH, I can SO relate. Love the first car was a copper colored Chevy Malibu. I called it my "Heavy Chevy." It looked similar to that Pinto. Two door. Sporty. Those were the days...


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