It's feeling like an open line random Friday!!!!
LOOKIE what I got in the mail a couple days ago!!!! I won a (can you dig it?) random contest over at Mimi's Four Living In France!!! She doesn't REALLY live in France... The randomizing really fits my mood today.
My Mommy & Daddy come home from their vacation tomorrow! We deliver their car that's been sitting in front of our house all week to the airport so they can high tail it back home tomorrow afternoon.
They've been on a cruise with my sister and her family North of New York City for a few days and actually did sights in the Big Apple for a few days too. Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and from what I understand, a hotdog stand on a corner...
The only time I was ever in NYC was for a transfer to another flight, so I never left the airports.
The last puppy is supposed to leave either today or tomorrow. We're attempting to kennel train it because I HAD to take down the pen in the garage. It was just taking up too much room and Bear Bear could get out of it anyway.
She doesn't like the kennel at all and sounds like sea gulls when she gets really worked up...
Yeah... sea gulls.
I look forward to the day when I can vacuum & steam clean the livingroom carpet and it stays somewhat clean for a couple days! So I look forward to turning 85. because that's probably when it will happen. Yep, that's the week I move to a nursing home.
One of my children are very sad this week. My heart breaks for them.
Oh! Has any one watched the new Unnecessary Roughness series yet? I kind of like it but my husband thinks the female lead has some really big nostrils and doesn't think he'll like it much for noticing them all the time...
That's probably enough random stuff. Your heads probably can't take much more without exploding...
I'm sad your child is sad :-( Breaks my heart to see my son sad. I know what you are feeling. I hope it passes quickly for them and for you.
ahahaha....i couldn't watch big nostrils either! you are a blast! so busy....hope that last pup gets a fab home!
i'm sorry u have a sad one:( my heart hurts too and as a mother i wish we could do something to never make them hurt! loads of love mama:) xoxo
I love that Octo-Mom shot! And that last Bear Bear ? Why not keep em:)
Gentle prayers for your baby.
Happy 4th!
Give your baby that's hurting a hug from me.
Have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear that you have a daughter that is sad, I know it's hard to let go of a pet even when you know it has to happen :o(
Awww, your daughter being sad makes me sad. I totally get it. :(
I love that you got your tin and cutters!! :)
Hope your child is no longer sad...sending happy vibes their way!! Happy 4th of July!
I'll be in my 60s for sure before I can look forward to a clean house.
Hope your child feels better soon and the sadness goes away quickly. This too shall pass. All things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Tomorrow's post, a dialect/accent vlog I made so my readers can hear what I sound like, complete with bloopers at the end.
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