Monday, November 28, 2011

4 Days Off! I Could Get Used To This...

Four days off. S.weet... Maddy got over a cold and Meri picked it up for her and now I'm sniffling a little... darn.

On Thursday, we hosted Robb's side of the family and I don't think I got one single picture! Then on Friday, we went to Nebraska and got another computer set up for my parents and then attended my side that always has a reunion on that day. We've hosted it, but with the wedding, we just couldn't do it. So my mom and aunt hosted and we had such a great time! The talent show is the big draw for the cousins. Robb's talent. He played Amazing Grace on his pipes then showed how ANYONE could learn how to play. He picked out my nephew Sam and taught him a quick tune. I don't think Sams going to continue lessons... but you never know!
The girls played their piano recital pieces.

I did my Taekwondo stick form in the dinkiest area and had to kept adjusting where I was standing before I swung the sticks more. My cousin's husband looked worried from the front row! Maddy secretly recorded it.... I hid the camera on purpose and my dad was supposed to guard it. Dad...!

And at the risk of embarrassing myself... here you go.

We drove back late late that night and enjoyed Saturday at home. This is the corner for the tree. Immediately before...Robb and the kids helped me set the tree up. There is a row of lights that just isn't lighting on this thing... I struggled throughout the tree for over an hour trying to find what I'd left unplugged or plugged into the wrong thing and couldn't find it. Oh well! We buried the thing in ornaments and let it go.
How it looks now.

I had success on our churches tree which we helped put up that afternoon. It's the exact same tree, so at least I was successful for one of them this year!

That afternoon I put some cheesy dip in the crock pot, put on some Christmas music and we all worked on decorating. Then I mosied upstairs to my sewing nook (aka Santa's workshop, aka the North Pole) and sewed. I can't show you what I'm sewing because Santa insists on secrecy this time of year. But I'll show you after Christmas.
Do you see our leg lamp in the front window?

Sunday I sewed as much as possible too. Got almost three gifts ready to wrap!

It was a great weekend! And I'm SEW in the mood for Christmas now. As if I wasn't already...


slugmama said...

It's indescribably reminds me of the 4th of July! did I mean your stick form or the leg lamp?lol

Jen said...

Yay! Love the video! And you're right, front row looks worried! The talent show is a great idea! Your tree is ginormous and looks sooo beautiful with all the lights :) I wouldn't have ever noticed the ones that aren't working lol Sounds like you guys had a fun day of decorating!

Macey said...

Sounds like a productive weekend!
I want to learn how to play the bagpipes. :)
Hey, I have a cold too! BOO.

mamahasspoken said...

We had so many strands of lights no light on our tree we had to go out and buy a new tree. There was no burying it in ornaments here due to it was over HALF the tree :o(

mamahasspoken said...

We had so many strands of lights no light on our tree we had to go out and buy a new tree. There was no burying it in ornaments here due to it was over HALF the tree :o(

Michelle said...

Love that tree! It is huge! Great video too!

Jill said...

Hmmm I don't think I would want to be in the front row chairs during your!! Great job! I love your tree it turned out beautiful!! Have a wonderful week!!


Sonya Ann said...

You look thinner. I may need to get into martial arts. Think of all the people I could hurt, I mean help.

Pennie said...

I love that you put the video of yourself up. And, I love that your family does the talent show thing every year. I think I could fit in with your family very well! (My husband? Probably not...) ;) My family's like that, too. (Much to my husband's dismay...) :) It looks like a blast!
Love your decorations and your whole holiday decorating time sounds lovely.
We're having our first ever Christmas with just our family this year, and I need to come up with a way to make it extra-special, because we won't have the extended family around...we've my whole life...had that before. Any ideas?


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