I found it on Pinterest.com. Yeah I know. They don't pay me or ANYTHING to talk about them. But I'll give you a quick tutorial on how to use them. Someone asked that I do a tutorial on it sometime, so here you go...
First click on the website. Then start browsing through what other people think is cool. There is a Search box at the top if you're looking for something specific... like tshirt scarf... or caffeinated cookies... or hot celebrities...
Someone has found one on the web somewhere. Trust me... In order to be part of Pinterest, you need to get invited, so click on the request button. But they're not picky. It really seems like a no-cut type activity, so you're probably safe.
Once you get invited, you will need to install (very easy) a PIN IT button for your browser. Then when you hit a picture of something that interests you online or a blog tutorial somewhere that strikes your fancy, you can click on the Pin It button and the internet will automatically pin the website with your choice of pictures to your personal Pinterest board.
You can categorize them however you want. Be it People Who Inspire You, Food I Can't Get Enough Of, Recipes I Want to try, Crafty things I want to make, etc.
You'll start accumulating things and others will see them on the general wall and start following you. You can browse through other peoples things that they find interesting and repin them to your boards, or just like them... You can follow other people and see their items towards the top of your general wall whenever you log in. It's interesting to see what your friends think is interesting and just might give you ideas on what to get them for gifts!
There are some awesome craft ideas and projects out there. Oh! The beauty part is, when you set to pin someones blog site onto your board, when you click on your board, it will take you right to that person's blog so you can get the directions right off the bat! And you don't need to link everything yourself.
Just Pin it!
I did find another website similar to this JUST for craft things, but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Do you think I would be allowed to pin their site here? Shoot, now I can't find it. I better pin it when I find it...
What a cute scarf! It seems to be the season of scarves right now!
So cute, it has me thinking.
I thought about you yesterday. Maybe I should send DJ to you, to fix him. He is taking a home-ec class and is barely passing. He has a C and that is a low grade for him. He come home and had a mini break down. He was saying just accept that I'm not going to pass. He couldn't sew a button on and he has 3 to go and then he burned his finger on an iron. Next week is using an actual sewing machine, I'm concerned that he will die.
CUTE! Do you think I could use a sweatshirt?
I really think you should sell those beautiful scarves....LOVE IT!
You are on fire with all the creative scarves lately! Love the black and white lace one, and this one is fab too.
Love the scarf! Very understated in the gray. I've been really obsessed about Pinterest lately. I pin all of the good sewing tutorials I like to one board, and sewing inspiration to another. And they're not paying me to say that, either!:)
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