Well, let me tell you.
Thanks to Maddy's T.A.G. project, I have revisited knitting, not having knitted since Middle school... I've got about 8 inches done on a black scarf that I started and have been working on whenever I'm waiting for the kids somewhere.
Knitting is hard! Especially when you only know one stitch. Then Maddy showed me how to perl and the world opened up for me. Oh yeah!!! I KNEW it was supposed to look different...
Knit perl knit perl knit perl perl oops!
On Saturday morning, Meri and I went to our ASG sewing meeting and on the free table, I found....
Wait for it...
A Bond knitting machine! It's a Bond, Knit Bond.
It's got tons of attachments to make wider pieces and in the original set, I can do about a yard wide. Cool! I set it up immediately when I got home and read through the directions to get me knitting right away.
Repeatedly I screwed up a scarf within the first 4 inches so I kept pulling it all apart and starting over. Then I decided to look at the contents of the yarn I was using. Oh! Worsted wool. I was using the wrong plate apparently. Popped that in and voila! I knitted about 6-7 feet in less than an hour!

Anyone have any better ideas?
Looking forward to having another hour sometime to figure out fancy schmancy stitches, or just knit myself a big ol' shawl.
When I was an asst. manager at a fabric store back in the mid '80s, the company sent me to a seminar to train on that blasted machine you got. I had to demo it in the store. I hated that thing!lol If I had gotten a commission for every sale of one of those I made, I might have liked the machine better. ;-)
Nice freebie!!
Oh.My.Golly. I have two of those up in my attic! ☺ It's probably been at least a decade since I've used them. I made queen size afghans, baby blankets, and earflap hats that my kids still wear. Hmmm...I'll have to go through my files and see if I still have patterns. I belonged to a Bond Knitter's Forum, but I can't remember where. I'm thinking it was a yahoo group. Maybe google can help with that. I may even have some of the original Bond Pattern Books. Are you interested in them if I can locate them?
What fun to knit with that machine! Can't wait to see what you make. Alas, I can't remember what to do about the curling edges. I'm thinking you have to block it just as you do with needle knitting. Good luck!
PS...Thanks ever so much for helping bring Ruby home! You placed your bid correctly. She takes the highest bid from the comments. ☺ Happy Tuesday, sweet friend!
Just came back to say Sorry for the long comment! Geesh. I should have just emailed you. LOL
Thank you SO much for stopping by and bidding!! Got you down!! xoxo!! Brooke
How cool is that Val!
portable machine...can take it outside during spring season, yes?
How are the puppies doing?
errr...Did i miss a post abt 'em?
Just one thing: I want to learn how to knit!
I have a friend who makes wonderful items on that machine. I had never heard of it before until I met her. My mom would knit all the time when I was young. I couldn't get the hang of it (maybe because I am left handed) but I use to do a mean crochet ;o)
I'm not one to ask. I'll just sit back and let you smart ones figure out how to wash the scarf. I did get a scarf at Old Navy for a $1 on clearance. It isn't as pretty as yours and smells a bit.
How amazing that you got something like that for free! It sounds like you will be making a lot of goodies.
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