Friday, June 15, 2012

When it rains..

As I told my FB friends last night....   We had a scare yesterday.

For the last 3 days, my (almost) 21 year old has been sick.  He and his wife and (almost) 4 month old live with us.  (in case you're new!)  He had two days off from work anyway, so he spent them laying around complaining about how lumpy the bed was and how miserable he was. 

He went to the doctor on Tuesday against my advice and was told it was probably Strep.  He's never done well with Strep.  They put him on some meds.

Wednesday he was feeling a little better but still slept a.lot... On the couch mostly because the bed *was broken* or something.  We, apparently, have inferior furniture in our house...  Everything on him ached and was sore.  His wife looked into new mattresses online.

Thursday he got up and went to work.  He seemed to be feeling somewhat better so we thought he was over the worst.


Thursday around 3pm, I saw him walk past my office window VERY slowly.  Almost zombie-like.  Tiffany came out a few minutes later and seemed anxious for me to come in and help her help Ryan to couch.  He could barely walk.  I am SO surprised that he didn't wreck the car and kill himself on his way home from work. 

Progressively throughout his day at work, his fingers and hands had stopped functioning but he stuck it out.  Then anytime he moved, it felt as if shards of glass were shooting through his arms and legs.  But he stuck it out.  What stick-to-itiveness!  But he's a man with a family and you have to do what you have to do! 

We try to drill that in.
My son as a little boy.  Wasn't he a cutie?  Was that really 20 years ago?
He's growing up!

Anyway, his boss found him barely able to move and sent him home for the day at 1.  It took him 2 hours to make it home.  30 minutes of that was just getting in the car and figuring out a way to make the key turn on with no dexterity.  The big long ropey key chain that he uses was used heavily, as were his teeth.  He had left his cell at home and hurt too much to go back into work to call.  So he stuck it out and drove home anyway...  God was answering prayers I hadn't even uttered yet!

I love our doctor!  She's 10 miles away in a small town and was able to fit him in yet that afternoon.  I drove him over.  It took both Tiffany and myself to get him up off the couch due to his pain and into the car though, so I called Robb to come help me at the doctor's office.  They gave me a wheelchair to take him in. 

After the initial exam, Doctor Mary was concerned enough to tell us that he needed to go to the emergency room immediately.  It might be meningitis.  Oh dear...  My 2 year old niece was in the hospital for almost a month with that several years ago...  I knew it was dangerous.  and contagious... 

And here I'd just kissed my son on his forehead.  *great*

She insisted that an ambulance come get him so he would be automatic first in line when they got there and not have to sit in the waiting room for 3 hours.

Robb went with him and I went home to calm his frantic young wife and feed the kids.  We were advised not to come to the hospital because if it WAS contagious, we need to protect the baby. Understood, but not understood...  Do you know what I mean?  dang. 

About 8pm we found that meningitis had been ruled out.  WHEW!  My 2nd round of prayers answered.

But the doctors were baffled as to what it might be.  SHOOT!  My 3rd round of prayers sent and continuing.

So this morning, Robb took Tiffany to see him while I babysat at the house.  Got Leon back to sleep and got some housework done until they came back.  I plan to see him at lunch.

I could use some help with prayers.


mamahasspoken said...

Prayers headed your way!
Funny how even when they are grown, we still worry about them like they are babies.

PippaD said...

Prayers heading your way. I hope that this is resolved really quickly.

kshotz said...

Shoot, I was hoping they'd figured out what was going on....prayers continue!

Macey said...

Scary!! Prayers headed your way. Please keep us updated.

slugmama said...

Hope they figure it out soon!
Hugs and prayers....

Babes Mami said...

I was hoping the mystery had been solved by now! Thinking of you guys!

Michelle said...

Prayers going up! Stay positive! I know things will work out.

Karen Whittal said...

Hope you don't mind have put you on my prayer chain, 100 people in South Africa are praying for your son... we serve an awesome God

Larri said...

Praying! This same thing happened to me when I was younger. After a spinal tap ruled out menengitis, it ended up being Strep...that had spread into my bloodstream. A high dose of anitbiotics via IV and 24 hours in the hospital.

Praying your son's health issue is something simple to cure. Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Praying your way!


Carma Sez said...

So sad to hear this! relieved it is not meningitis...praying they figure out asap and can get him some relief.

Sonya Ann said...

Lots of prayers! So I guess he is proof that we never are able to stop worrying about our kids. I was hoping that it ended at 18.

Frances said...

Lots of prayers headed your way. Hopefully they figure it out soon, if they haven't already. But they might not. My first husband got really sick once and spent a couple of weeks in the hospital and the doctors never figured out what was wrong with him. He just got better eventually. Weird.


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