Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two Down, Twelve To Go!

As promised, here is Abby's Vera Wang wedding gown.  She was beautiful and they make a gorgeous couple!  I think this is the only couple photo I took at the reception...

Then you guys know these clowns!  That baby walker in the background seemed like a good idea at the time, but Leon was in it a total of 30 seconds.  He kept running into people's ankles, so Ryan pulled him out.  Leon was way off his napping schedule and was just a cuddle bug anyway.

Since so many kids were at this wedding, there was a table where they could load up on SUGAR!!!  What a brilliant idea!!!  So many kids walked around with blue lips...  I should have gotten a picture of that!  But there were little bags with labels commemorating the event for the kids to load up with whatever candies they wanted.  YUM...

This is the next nephew and his fiance to get married later on this year!  Looking forward to that one!  And I will keep their gift a secret.  Hi Teresa!!!

My little niece Lily LOVED the dance floor.  This was earlier in the reception when only the kids were enjoying the DJ.  She fancied herself a ballerina and I caught several snippets of her performance.

 I asked my brother-in-law if there was going to be a father/daughter dance and he said No.  He doesn't dance.  10 minutes later, the DJ announced the father/daughter dance.  Abby sought him out and dragged him out on the dance floor.  It turned out to be a very sweet memory for the both of them!

 My mom and Leon.  "Grandma!!!  Great Grams is squeezing my cheeks again!!!"    But they're SO squeezable!  They bonded really well on the trip there and back. 

A grand-nephew bustin' some moves out on the dance floor.  He's good!  and so fast I only got him in a blur...

And then the Vera Wang dress!  I've got to figure out how to make the tulle poof out like that for Maddy's prom dress!  IF she decides on something like this...  

And Abby couldn't pass up holding Leon!  By this time he was way past bed time and you can tell he's kind of glazed over...

If you're my friend on FB, then you may have seen some of the videos of the dances on there.  The groom and his merry men did a mash up dances that the bride and a bridesmaid choreographed.  Then I caught a video of the brides siblings dancing to Gangnam style.  They are so funny!  Someone suggested that Ruth Ann drills them on this dance every day as it looks like they've practiced a lot...
My sister Tammy is the tall blonde.  She pulled my dad out on the dance floor and even got my mom out there!  These are the parents that didn't like me or my siblings to go to dances at all...  I did attend a lot of "banquets"...  sshh!  But my dad cannot RESIST Y.M.C.A.!
Robb and a couple of my gang headed out right after the prime rib dinner for home, but Meri and I stayed until 9pm.  It REALLY seemed like midnight tho.  I was beat and I know Leon was.

The next morning we swung by my sister Ruth Ann's house to pick up a bunch of stuff we accidentally left there and headed for home.  I hadn't realized we'd left a huge bag of cut veggies and another huge bag of treats, but they came home with us too!  Good thing!!  We had a 4H meeting that afternoon and we were hosting, so the treats went. 

Well, as my sister said, 2 down, 12 to go!


Macey said...

That candy bar is so cute!
And that picture of Leon and your mom is awesome. :)

mamahasspoken said...

12 more to go?
WOW sounds like a marathon to me!

Michelle said...

What sweet photos! I love Leon's "glazed look"! lol

Jill said...

What a beautiful wedding!!Love that dress!!!

Sonya Ann said...

And now I know why you are always busy-your family is HUGE! You should blame them. ;p


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