Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Whirlwind Rectangle Tour

Ok.  SO, you go to Paris, France!   
* sorry - too much Steve Martin's Wild & Crazy Guy on my itunes...*

Sunday, immediately after church, the girls, Leon and I took off for my home town, almost straight West of us to attend my nephew's graduation party.  A three hour drive.  A three hour drive.  Everyone took naps, except me of course.  I was driving.  I woke up Meri half way there to work on her memory work for confirmation, next weekend already!

YIKES!!!  I only have 5 days to get that dress done!!!!  Good bye lunches!

We saw relatives galore at the party and Leon mostly enjoyed playing in the dirt and play house rather than the SpongeBob bouncy house.  

He saw it as we drove up and kept yelling Bappy House!  

But when we actually got to the Bappy House, he must have had a flashback of THIS TIME and decided to play in the dirt and the play house.


He was filthy when we left...

and he just DIDN'T understand what a tire swing was for...  So he put toys in it.

The graduate and my dad.  Jordan hopes to become a police officer!

My aunt and uncle visiting with my mom.

Maddy and Meri giving me their "uni-brow" obligatory photo.  Reason = unknown.

We couldn't stay TOO long at the party, as we had another party to go to directly South of here about an hour or so.  I was relegated to the back seat while Maddy took the wheel.  
I even got a few minutes of shut eye!  Leon got more than a few.

The next party was for my favorite cousin Julie's, son.  And I didn't even get a single photo of him!!!  I hadn't told her I was planning on coming, just in case our plans changed.  They had a little because Robb found out at the last minute that he couldn't go along with us, but I wanted to see Jules.

We stepped into their house and were greeted by the graduate, then meandered into the kitchen where she was sitting at the table with her sisters and friends.  She was in the middle of a sentence, saw me, looked away, looked back and suddenly no words would come out of her mouth.  Well, at least nothing that made sense.  She almost tripped over someone to get to me and squeezed the air right out of me for a solid 3 minutes!!  All I could do was hug her back and hold back tears as I laughed.  Because Julie is deaf and wouldn't hear me if I'd said anything anyway unless she was looking right at me and reading my lips.

As kids, we were inseparable when the families got together.  And per usual, when we needed to say good bye, the farewells lasted a solid 45 minutes amidst hugs, tears and laughter.  JUST like old times!

But we FINALLY left their house and headed home, much later than we had anticipated.  But I should have known...  And it was 3.25 hours home from there.  We came straight east, then north, making almost a perfect rectangle or parallelogram if you want to be more precise, making it home right on the nose at 11pm.

I need approximately 3 more days to recover.  Is that possible?


Southern Gal said...

Steve Martin and Gilligan's "3-hour-tour"? You're good. I was wondering if Leon would ever enter one of those contraptions again. ;) The photo of you and your cousin made me tear up after reading her welcome for you. Sweet.

Willow said...

I hope you sang on that long ride home to pass the time or at least play "i spy with my little eye" looks like Leon had the best idea ~ sleep through a LONG ride home :)
Glad you had a great time , makes it all worth the drive right !

Sonya Ann said...

Is there a secret as to how you get so much done? I NEED TO KNOW!!
I love your family!

Michelle said...

You are the busiest woman I semi-know (since we don't know each other in person, though I feel like I know you fairly well, lol), and I really don't know how you get it all accomplished. A lot of caffeine?

Frances said...

As always, you have worn me out. You are so busy all the time!


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