Thursday, July 17, 2014

What a kick in the pants!

Sluggy said she wanted to see my fabric stash this weekend, so last night, since we had the new-to-me Fabritainment center brought in,  I unloaded several boxes of fabric and loaded it up.  All the leather pieces in one spot, Christmas fabric in another, stash pieces with yardage in the middle, clothes to repurpose in one cabinet and thread actually in a thread box!  I WILL get organized, 
dang it.  

I took this photo with my cell phone, so I didn't get the entire center in it.
It looks better in person...
All our board games even fit on top too!  Well, MOST of them...  There are other random games in the house that kids have played recently but haven't gotten back out here yet.

Anyway, my office needs a bit more work, but is definitely more livable.  Thanks Sluggy!  

I'll punch you in the arm when you get here.

Meri has survived 2 full days of detasseling and we gave up on the remaining 4H projects.  She has ten photos entered, so there.    We'll still take Leon and Sluggy to the fair grounds tho this weekend so he can see the animals and she can eat some deep fried treats.

Meri came home last night exhausted with mud between her toes and wrinkled up feet from being wet too long.  She sat on the floor in my office and vented about her day, the kids she works with, how her hands ache, how long it takes to do a "round", etc.  Poor kid.  She'd worked 9 hours Wednesday!  Today, they say it'll be 10.  But another 1.5 more weeks of this probably and she'll be done and have a BUNCH of money in her achy little hands!  She can do it!

Every once in a while I realize how many toys Leon has and what he's not playing with anymore...  Hmmm...  So yesterday I grabbed two or three ride on toys that he hasn't played with in ages and stuck them in the garage.  Let's see if he notices...  Probably won't tho.  Out of sight, out of mind.  

Isn't that always the way?

Unless you work in MY office however.  You get desensitized from the many boxes of fabric and gloss over them when you enter anymore...

and then you need a kick in the pants from Sluggy.  


Michelle said...

Don't you just love trying to be the organized mom?! I don't! lol I always wait until my kids are spending the night with someone and then I do some covert, "room cleaning"......they never miss what I take out!

slugmama said...

It's amazing how long my legs are that I can kick you in the pants from Wisconsin!

And I'll pass on that arm least until I am sugared up on deep fried Twinkies or sumthin.....

Sonya Ann said...

Sounds like you are still crazy busy. Nice to know that things don't change. And sluggy is going to get beat up. LOL

The Slapdash Sewist said...

I love the name "Fabritainment Center." Fabric is definitely my entertainment! (and patterns and notions and...)

Frances said...

Love the fabritainment center! I am going to have to look up this detasseling thing.


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