Thursday, August 28, 2014

My little pumpkin pooter

Maddy's babysitter was a marvelous cook.  This was 18+ years ago, when Maddy was 1 or so.  She made all different style cheesecakes for a local restaurant while she babysat.  During the end of the summer harvest, of which she had a LOT to harvest, she canned.  She and her family lived out in the country and had a huge garden, horses, and a yard that takes all day to mow.

Maddy never ate baby food and pretty much scoffed at the stuff, except for baby food canned peaches or bananas, because they're to DIE for...
Gail made her own baby food from the produce in her garden.  Basically, it was whatever she was canning that day, she saved a bunch for food for Mabs and another child she watched.  

Maddy loved canned pumpkin.  I know.  That sounds yucky, doesn't it?!  But it wasn't the store bought flavorless canned pumpkin that only tastes good if you add a bunch of sugar, cinnamon, eggs and milk.  It was the home canned pumpkin.  It was like the most delicious squash you'd ever tasted.  

I'm getting hungry just thinking about it...

Maddy's diapers were typically a lovely shade of orange that fall.  So much so, that when Robb found out what she'd been eating, instead of calling her the poopy little princess, we started calling her Pumpkin Pooters.  

It seemed to fit...

I went out to the garden yesterday over lunch to weed with a scissors-like hedge trimmer.  Don't mock me, it works!!!  I was desperate and I am determined to not drive the neighbor to writing me hate mail this summer. 

I never HAVE gotten hate mail, but have heard things over the years.  Reading between the lines kind of thing...  If I can remove the weeds issue, then all will be better! 
Our other trimmer is in the shop.  I haven't been able to start it for 3-4 years...

Anyway, back to the garden.  Here's what I found!

Incredible huh?  I think the dogs pulled the vine through and the pumpkin got stuck half way in.  They didn't cut the vine entirely and now it's finally done growing.

It's not on the vine anymore...  I might need to cut it out of there and can it.
Pumpkin pooters UNITE!


mamahasspoken said...

I've never had canned pumpkin as you described but not I want to try it.

Sonya Ann said...

Hahahaha! Pumpkin pooters.

Frances said...

That is the coolest pumpkin ever.

The Old Parsonage said...

Any way you can get it out of there with out cutting it? Love that it grew there.

I love fresh pumpkin - the neck pumpkins are sweet too!


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