Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ahem... A Hem

This tutorial is to make tiny hems on fabric edges with perfection.  Instead of the 3 seam thing.  

The old 3 seam thing, is below.

1) sew a stitch line all the way around the hem.
2) fold at the stitched line and iron.  
3) sew another seam as close to the ironed edge as possible.  
4) trim as close to that seam as you can.
5) fold over and iron.
6) sew another seam.

Seems redundant huh?  and time consuming...  That's how I've been doing the pretty tiny hems on ALL the prom dresses I've made so far...  And it's a nightmare!  If anything is uneven, you can see it all.  Sometimes it works slick, other times bombs miserably...

This Ban-Roll method was presented at our sewing meeting on Saturday and although I know there are a lot of pictures, it's so much simpler!

1) Buy some Ban-Roll.  This is a plasticky webbing about a half inch wide.  Purchase enough length for around the hem.

2) Prepare it by trimming off the edge and pulling (unravel) 3 strands of the webbing off so the edge looks like a comb.

3) On the right side of the fabric, line the "comb" edge up to the edge of the fabric.  You may need more if the fabric unravels easily.

4) Using a smaller than normal stitch length, stick on the comb side of the Ban-roll.  Be careful not to go into the woven part of the Ban-roll...  Because that is part of the secret...

5) Flip the Ban-Roll to the inside against the fabric.  The hem wraps around the "comb" part of the Ban-Roll.

6) Stitch down the center of the of the new hem.

7)  You're finished! No curling, warping, fraying or uneven hem bits!  
A hem that would win a blue ribbon at the fair EVERY single time!

8) Last step...  Just pull out the Ban Roll and it's going to slide right out and you can show off your perfect hem!  Use the Ban-Roll on the opposite side for your next project!  
Or use this side again for a slightly wider hem next time.

Yeah - a lot of steps, but they're baby steps.

For a perfect cute lil baby hem!

I need a prom dress to try this out on before I forget how!


Southern Gal said...

I need a video! I'd love to try it, but I'm slow. ;)

Larri said...

Now that's really nifty!
Thanks for sharing. I'll have to give it a try soon, too. Hmmm...no Prom, but perhaps a Christmas dress for LittleGirl? :)

Out My window said...

This works like horse hair braid? I hem so many light fabrics I just turn over twice and top stitch but then I do 100's a year and I still hate them!


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