Thursday, October 23, 2014

I am the eye in the sky!

The other day when Maddy played organ for the chapel service, I was watching for her closely and happened to see someone ELSE I know!  

The girls with the long hair in the middle is the twin sister of a new niece-in-law of mine from the last wedding in Wisconsin that we attended!  Small world huh? 
So I took a pic with my cell phone and sent it to my niece-in-law (NIL)

"Hey - I was looking for Maddy in last night's chapel service and happened to see your sister!  Here is the photo I took... I like to post pics of Maddy that I find on the webcams sometimes just to mess with her. Wondered if you did the same thing. Here you go!"

And WHEW!  My NIL (Niece In Law) thought it was FUNNY and not creepy, as I'm sure some of you guys thought it mght be...  And she posted it on her sister's FB wall!  Response - "Are you watching the chapel services now??"  "Nope - I've got my eye in the sky!" and NIL didn't tell her how she got the pic.  

So if your kid goes to Maddy's college, let me know and I'll add his/her name to my list of the "Where's Maddy?" game.

It'll be fun!


Southern Gal said...

Those girls will never be the same in chapel again! I haven't heard that song in forever.

Jill said...

Lol... Have a great weekend!


Jane said...

That's just a wee bit creepy, but isn't that why we have kids? To creep them out? Thanks for the shot of the yodeller's costume! Looks fair-worthy to me ee whoo!


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