Tuesday, October 28, 2014

String on my finger

I needed to pick up Meri and then Leon after work yesterday.  As soon as Meri got in the car, she asked, "So what time is our parent/teacher's conference tonight?"


OH...  That one note I stuck on the fridge!!!  The 27th really snuck up on me!  The date typically does do that to me.

We got home as quick as we could and could NOT find that note.  I KNOW I'd stuck it on the fridge, but it may have gotten lost when everything got swiped off the thing by a certain short person that lives in our house.  

No worries Maddy!  You've got an alibi! ;)

So when Robb got home, we got everyone packed back up in the car and we headed over to the high school.  The whole way there, Meri thought maybe it was a 15 minutes after thing, like 5:15 or 6:15.  I was thinking a :30, as in 5:30 or 6:30...  Robb hadn't even realized there was a conference scheduled.

As it turns out we were all wrong and our conference was at 5:45.  We were 30 minutes late...  


BUT the lady we met with didn't have anyone and was just eating a sandwich between parents so we got to meet with her immediately.  She's been on maternity leave until 3 days ago and hasn't had a chance to get to know Meri yet, so it took all of 2 minutes for her to say, "Are straight A's normal for her?" and "She's doing great!"  

We scrambled to get there for that!?  We already knew it I guess...  
But it's always good to hear it from someone else.

In the meanwhile, Meri was exploring the band rooms with Leon.  We tracked them down and found Leon had gotten permission from the band folks to bang on the drums.  

He's pretty good!  I think they're scouting for some fresh talent...  He's got to add some height before he wears those babies though.

The cymbals did scare him.  
As soon as they crashed together, he put them on the floor and said, "Put this down!"


We left Meri there for play practice.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.  My mind wandered everywhere...  Where my kids might go geographically someday, how often or infrequent we'll get to see them, monetary things, headache things, whether I need to see a chiropractor, etc...  I actually need to see one today. 

I get to see Maddy on Saturday!!!  Yay!   

I better post these things on the fridge so I won't forget.


slugmama said...

Heck you get to see Maddy everyday you stalker you....lolz

Sonya Ann said...

I agree with sluggy! You stalk her. Hell, I would stalk my kids if there was feed of it.
My mind wanders a lot too. Wait,..... what?

Michelle said...

My mind always wanders! Moms have so many things on their minds!

Southern Gal said...

That waking up at 4:30 thing? Me, too. I need to trust the Lord to take care of the things that scream in my mind in the wee hours of the morning.


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