Leon has gotten into watching Youtube videos showing little action figures act out an entire show, using Peppa Pig, Superman, Batman, etc.
Apparently grown men film these on their own...
But Leon loves them! It is fun to watch him watch a Tarzan action figure with a magic mask go berserk and kidnap Superman and hide him in a jungle tree that obviously is laced with cryptonite. Then Peppa Pig, the Cars action cars, Batman and Aquaman rescue him.
Someone else is doing the actual playing with the toys and someone's hands are moving them all around acting it out. They're doing the creative stuff and he doesn't have to!
Leon can be the epitome of lazy sometimes...
So after letting him watch about 20 minutes of it this morning, I cut him off cold turkey. His dad had yesterday too and he didn't happen to be downstairs yet this morning. So I was the bad guy.
Leon was so upset that he couldn't "WATCH!", which he kept repeating and then he asked where Grandpa was! Well, Grandpa had left already, so I let Leon call him on my cell phone. Robb didn't answer but called back in a few minutes and by that time Leon had forgotten what he wanted to talk to him about. He'd gotten into making little towers with the Legos and crumbling the play doh into the carpet. What did he need Grandpa for??
So while I finished cleaning up the kitchen, Leon was all over the main floor doing things he wouldn't do if he was sitting there WATCHing. He learned how to open and shut the front venetian blinds, which will come in handy when we get sun on that side of the house again come spring.
He learned that if he pulls out all his plastic tool man tools and scatters them on the kitchen floor, I'll tell him to fix a pole or a chair for me. He enjoys being useful.
Don't we all?
I grabbed my cappucino cup and was about to take a swig of the final ounce or two when I almost gagged at the greenish brown glob in the bottom of the cup.
Leon! Did you put play doh in my cappucino???!
His personal creativity is going to kill me.
Cute guy.
Ahhhhh.....life with little people :)
Gotta love YouTube and technology! Lol
Makes life exciting having little ones around
Have a very Merry Christmas!
He put the play doh in your drink because you didn't let him WATCH. He's super smart.
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