Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Randomly Selective

I had a really nice talk with a certain daughter of mine last night and have been duly warned.  So today's topic has been changed and will not feature whom she requested by name.  Which is disappointing because the post was practically writing itself!
But let's just say this is a photo of someone...
I'm NOT saying who.  But they're somewhere in this photo. 
Don't ask me where because I couldn't find them.

Other topics,  let's see...  

I did the pleats on Meri's skirt last night and totally did ALL the pleats on the WRONG side of the fabric... YAY ME!  My impressiveness in yesterday's post is gone.  I am no longer pleased with myself...  So rather than pulling out a bajillion stitches and kicking myself while I do that, I've got gobs of fabric left over, so I'll just cut a new panel over lunch and do it all over again.  darn.

This project WILL get done, despite me.

Lately he likes me to read him a story from my mind.  As long as they involve him on some grand weird adventure or Tyrannosauruses.  And his favorite extra character to add is a boy just like him named Deeku.  I think it's his imaginary friend.  So in one story, I cast Leon as a little boy who stumbled upon the 3 bears cottage in the woods, eats the porridge, breaks the chair and sleeps in baby bears bed.  He later runs into the forest never to be seen again.

I plagiarize for a 2 year old's story.  Don't judge me!

I hardly ever see that kid anymore!  She's turning into her sister and gotten herself involved in plays, readers theater, band, pep band and anything else to keep her away from home.  I'm starting to get a complex!  Hopefully I can nail her down to try on the bodice at least tonight and let me know if I need to recut it.

My dear husband made me breakfast this morning!  Scrambled eggs and homemade hashbrowns!  Yummm...  I'm following it up with a nice caramel corn chaser.  Yes, it's 8:17am...  Don't judge me!    

He's been taking Leon on field trips lately and they just went to a fabulous toy store that I never knew existed.  Kids can play with toys there instead of just point and beg.  Cool!  They're going to the library and swimming today.

Updates on my parents and inlaws.  My dad is still in the hospital for another week and is doing really well.  My mom is interviewing with a nursing home this morning and will hopefully be moving in tomorrow.  Dad will join her in a week or so.  My mother in law just came home from the hospital yesterday. 

Oh!  Leon originally wanted polar bears on his birthday cake, coming up next month.  Then he changed his mind and wanted Batman too.  So I've been thinking about it and came up with this edible image idea.  What do you think?

Have a great Wednesday!!!


Out My window said...

I just hate it when I do something like that, I don't do it often, but when I do.... Pleats of all things!

Frances said...

I AM going to judge you. NOT. LOL!

Love the stories from your mind. It is not really plagirism if you don't write them down....maybe.

Michelle said...

My son used to like those kinds of stories too when he was Leon's age :)

Sonya Ann said...

How do you keep everything straight? I would forget something or someone. But not Leon, hes too adorable.

Carma Sez said...

it is too bad we will never get to see the post that practically wrote itself. those are usually the best kind ;) sorry about your sewing debacle.


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