Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hoping and Hopping into Tuesday

You know when you plan to get a LOT done and then the day is over and you didn't?  That was yesterday. 

 It was so busy at work that I barely had a chance for a potty break.  I know... TMI...  

Then over my lunch, Ryan left for work, I got Leon down for a nap and planned to do some housework.  He woke up coughing 30 minutes later and wanted to *help* so he did.  Not in the way I wanted but then I got called back to work early and my lunch was cut short anyway.  

So I worked from the living room as best as I could with him rambling around the house either naked or wanting to be.  If I needed to take a call, which I did, and he was acting loud and crabby, I sent him to his room.  It worked.  He played nicely in there until I said he could come back down.  It gave him a chance to cool off attitude wise too.  

Then instead of getting my housework done last night, I needed to run an errand which took a while.  Anyone have a US Cellular dumb phone they want to get rid of with a QWERTY keyboard on it?  CHEAP?  Stupid phones...

So now it's Tuesday.  My last chance to get the house ready for Easter weekend.  Oh well.  I guess it's not TOO bad!  But the new water softener is still sitting in the dining room...  I'll just have it installed there!

Back to work!  Have an awesome Tuesday and don't let Monday hit you on the backside!  As it did me...

To ease you into the day, here is my middle child hamming it up with her college children's theater production practice.  I can't wait to go see it!


Southern Gal said...

What's the play? Looks like fun.

Gill - That British Woman said...

just enjoy the Easter weekend, the dust in the house will be there next week regardless and at the end of the day, who cares!!!

Sonya Ann said...

Your kids are adorable and talented! You should be super proud.


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