Monday, March 2, 2015


You know those days when a cold has you so far down you wonder how you're ever going to get up those stairs without being carried?  That was the kind of weekend I had...  I "think" I'm on the mend, but there is a nasty residual headache this morning.  I took something for it, so hopefully that will dissipate soon. 

I found Leon outside my bedroom door this morning, laying on his little overstuffed chair that I'd made him a couple years ago, crying for his daddy because his nose was running.  So the first order of business today was to line him up with a box of Kleenex and a garbage can.  Got some  meds into him and he's going to just cuddle and have a daddy comfort day all day today.  Poor kid.  He's caught it now!

Anyway...  Having a cold did NOT shut me down this weekend.  You know that I always have tons of things going on, and life goes on.  Robb and I attended Meri's play on Friday night with his mom.  Saturday morning, EARLY, Robb and I left for my old hometown to see my parents.  A sister from the Chicagoland area was able to come for the weekend too, so her family and Robb and I went out for some pizza at ye ol' pizza joint that we'd grown up with.  That brought back a lot of memories!

Found out that the brother of a friend from church was staying in the room right across from Dad...  SMALL WORLD!  I visited a little with him.

It was so good to see my mom and dad again!  But as usual, the trip was too short and we had to leave.   I had been careful to wash my hands as often as possible as well as soaking them in hand sanitizer.  I hope no one at the home catches this!  I slept most of the way back.

On the way out of town, we stopped at a little gas station where I'd lost our gas cap back in January.  I went in for drinks and asked the lady, "This is a long shot, but did anyone turn in a gas cap about a month or so ago?"  She said, "Take your pick!" and pulled out three...  :)  I rejected one because it was a Honda and randomly chose one of the remainings and left.  Robb pointed out when we were down the road already that I'd grabbed a cap for a Diesel...  REALLY?  darn.  I'll swap it out next time we go through town!

We got back in time to grab a quick bite to eat and then meet Ryan and Jen to go watch Meri's play again.  That would be three nights in a row.  The songs are STILL running through my head.  "When the girl with the touch of sin walks in!"  *yeah - those are some lyrics...*   But it's all over now and Meri gets to spend EVERY evening with her dear old MA from now on!  That is until the next big event gets geared up and she can escape!

Robb picked up Leon on Sunday and almost everyone tried to nap that afternoon.  I DID try, but couldn't.  I don't know what the deal was but I couldn't sleep even though I really wanted to.  I worked on Amanda's veil last night and got it done again.  I hope she likes it!  No pics because the camera is inside and I'm not.

With any luck, I can shake this headache by noon because I have a lot to do over my lunch break!


Southern Gal said...

I'm so sorry you're battling a cold. Sick or not you know how to get things done. No stopping you! WonderWoman.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I so know how you feel. It will get better, but it just takes time. I am now two weeks later with barely a cold, but still full of gunk which I keep coughing up. I don't feel as though I will die now....LOL

Jane said...

Poor you, poor Leon and now poor Ryan as he probably has it now too!

Out My window said...

Get thyself to a doctor from what you are describing you have an infection!


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